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Confronting Trump Derangement Syndrome

My wife Mary and I spent a wonderful weekend in California with fellow Trump supporters filming the music video for my Trump Train 2020 song. We boarded our flight back home to the east coast Sunday at 8 pm, arriving at BWI airport in Maryland on Monday at 10:30 am. We were exhausted.

The taxi driver taking us to our car was listening to NPR. A radio show host and his caller were lying about Trump, venomously declaring him a serial liar. Perhaps it was because I was so tired that I had zero tolerance. I spouted, “Those guys are lying jerks!” I launched into a rant defending my president.

The taxi driver pounced. In a heavy Middle-Eastern accent, with a smirk, he said, “You actually believe the president is not a liar? I have lived in this country for 40 years. I am not stupid. Bush left Obama a horrible economy. Obama made things better for everyone.”

My feisty wife jumped into the conversation, passionately educating the duped driver. I tapped Mary on the leg, signaling her to stop talking because as their exchange grew more heated, the driver began flailing, taking his hands off the wheel and eyes off the road. I wanted him to calm down and focus on driving. Clearly, our taxi driver was crazed with fake news media inducted Trump Derangement Syndrome. He was not open to hearing truth. Some people are stuck-on-stupid.

Trump deranged black family and friends believe I am a traitor to my race for not worshiping Obama and supporting Trump. They ignore the truth that blacks moved economically backward under Obama. 

Blacks are thriving under Trump, enjoying the lowest black unemployment in U.S. history. And yet, my siblings are routinely asked by fellow blacks, “What is wrong with your brother who supports Trump and votes Republican?” Either these blacks are infected with Trump Derangement or stuck-on-stupid.

I’m a former Baltimorean. Several Baltimore blacks insist on remembering their Trump-hating late Congressman Elijah Cummings as a hero. Because Cummings was black, they accuse me of betraying my race for writing about Cummings’ corruption. Cummings received over $15 billion in federal funds to clean up his rat-infested, record-breaking black on black homicide district which has endless blocks of rundown vacant houses. The federal funds magically disappeared without fulfilling its purpose. Cummings’ loyalists absurdly say I am the bad guy, an Uncle Tom tool of Trump and Republicans. These blacks are stuck-on-stupid.

The shocking truth is Elijah Cummings did not give a rat’s derriere about improving the lives or empowering blacks. The same thing is true about the Democrat party, NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, fake news media and other faux advocates for blacks. To these leftists, blacks are nothing more than a faithful monolithic voting-bloc of useful idiots.

It does not take a genius to recognize that everything good, liberating and economically empowering for blacks is vehemently opposed by a coalition of leftist faux civil rights activists. The Evil Civil Rights Empire roll-out the red carpet, welcoming illegals which harms blacks economically. 

The Evil Civil Rights Empire opposes school choice, sentencing urban black students to suffer in failing violent schools. They oppose traditional marriage and defunding Planned Parenthood which focuses on killing black babies. They also oppose academic standards and black behavioral accountability.

By their bigotry of lowered expectations, the Evil Civil Rights Empire insinuates that blacks are inferior. They always insist that standards be lowered to make things fair for blacks. Remember, the insulting Democrat lie that requiring a photo ID to vote disenfranchises black voters?

When Trump announced at the State of the Union that black unemployment was at a historic low, the Congressional Black Caucus sat on their hands stone-faced while everyone else in the chamber applauded and cheered. The CBC does not care about blacks. The Evil Civil Rights Empire only cares about gaining power to control every aspect of Americans’ lives to implement their socialist/progressive and anti-Christian agenda.

The disgusting dirty secret is the Evil Civil Rights Empire want blacks solely dependent upon government and uneducated regarding their constitutional freedoms. They want blacks believing the lie that a majority of Americans are white supremacists, obsessed with concocting ways to suppress blacks. Their bogus, divisive, destructive and insidiously evil narrative is vote for Democrats to keep rabidly racist white America at bay.

Be of good cheer folks. I am extremely pleased to announce great news. Shockingly, 34% of blacks say they support Trump. Wow! That is awesome!

To blacks who have seen the light, welcome aboard the Trump Train! To blacks who insist on staying on the Democrats’ government plantation, “You can’t fix stupid.”

Even though the taxi driver was annoying, we tipped him.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Help Lloyd spread the Truth

Lloyd Marcus

The UK Guardian declared prolific writer, singer and songwriter Lloyd Marcus the Tea Party Movement's most prominent African American; seen on Fox News, CNN and more. Rejecting hyphenating, Marcus is renowned for proclaiming, “I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus AMERICAN!!!” Marcus is Chairman of Conservative Campaign Committee PAC. It's mission is to elect conservative candidates across America.