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CAUCUS CHAOS: Iowa Democrats Didn’t Need Russians To Hack Their Election — They Did It Themselves

In 2016 they rigged the primary to favor one candidate. In 2020 they appear to have done it again.

The results are not yet in for the Democrat Iowa caucus despite some of the precincts attempting to report at 8 pm on Monday.

There are 41 delegates up for grabs in Iowa, which is a drop in the bucket of the 1,991 delegates across the country, but would give momentum to the candidate who wins the most, and winnowing away some of the candidates that don’t have much of a shot in the race.

Between the Iowa Democratic Party (IDP) creating an app that didn’t work, wasn’t downloaded by some precincts, didn’t properly train more than 1,600 volunteers responsible for reporting results, forcing a hand count, long waits on the phone to report, discrepancies in the count, and the IDP hanging up on the campaigns, it was a massive crapshow. The crapshow was then followed by each candidate giving a victory speech because… they didn’t know what else to do.

Troy Price, the chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party, said shortly after 1 a.m. that he expected to have caucus results to report “later today” after party officials had manually tallied the data.

On a brief conference call with reporters, Mr. Price stressed that the caucus results were being delayed because of problems reporting delegate totals from the more than 1,600 precincts, not because the system had been hacked.

“This is taking longer than expected,” he said. “The system is in place to make sure we can report results with full confidence.”

Source: New York Times

The Department of Homeland Security had offered to monitor the app to check for any hacking or unusual cyber activity, but the IDP declined the assistance.

On Tuesday, the IDP says that the app malfunctioned. Although it was collecting the data correctly, the app was only reporting a portion of the numbers and are now claiming that it was a “coding issue.”

Gee, I thought that learning to code was so easy and that was the suggestion for coal miners and others that were going to be put out of their jobs by the Democrats’ “Green” economy. I guess coding isn’t that easy after all. (Maybe that’s why reporters get in a huff when you suggest it to them as an alternative career path on Twitter.)

The President tweeted about the Iowa debacle this morning.

And if the organizational side of things wasn’t bad enough, the “boots-on-the-ground” view was worse. Senator Bernie Sanders(D-VT) was looking pretty good with a huge turnout with delegates, but some of the campaigns coordinated against him to deny him a delegate by supporting Senator Cory Booker(NJ) who dropped out of the race in mid-January.

But it wasn’t looking good for former Vice President Joe Biden, who was leading in the national polls, but didn’t get much love in Iowa.

And then there was the “Questionable Coin Toss” that gave Mayor Pete Boot-edge-edge the “edge” in delegates:

Another coin toss goes to Mayor Pete:

Campaigns, desperate to claim victory, were tweeting out photos of results of individual precincts.

People started claiming that the Buttigieg campaign somehow cheated. On Tuesday morning, the hashtag #MayorCheat was trending on Twitter.

One “well-informed” caucus goer learned after voting that Pete was gay and wanted her vote back.

What. A. Dumpsterfire.

The Democrats think that they can flip the economy with the Green New Deal, and publicly fund healthcare and college, but they can’t even run a freaking caucus in Iowa.

Comedian and writer Bridget Phetasy said what we were all thinking:

Sarah Jones, a writer for NY Magazine agreed in a more sedate tone:

Political pundit and massive conservative presence on Twitter, Stephen Miller, summed it up well.

The Trump campaign agrees.

Tim Young, a comedian and political pundit, noted that Democrats aren’t very good at running things.

An editor at National Review made a great point:

Chief Strategist for Rand Paul’s Senate campaign and RandPAC weighed in.

Meanwhile, at the GOP Iowa Caucus, turnout was fantastic. There was a fantastic moment where one of President Trump’s don’t-have-a-chance challengers — the guy who has the endorsement of newly-declared Democrat, Bill Kristol — completely humiliated himself in a speech to the crowd.

Support for President Trump by Republicans is quite strong despite the Media(D) promoting the few, loud NeverTrump voices.

Back at the White House, the President was literally handing out popcorn.

For the Democrats in Iowa, it ain’t over yet, folks! And it’s gonna get UGLY.

It certainly doesn’t bode well for Biden or Bernie and their supporters aren’t going to be happy…

Grab some popcorn and ClashDaily will keep you updated on the situation.

Meanwhile, enjoy the Dems in disarray!

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker