Just In Time For SOTU: Trump Riding High On Polls, Pelosi & Schiff, Not So Much

If Impeachment was — as we believe — intended to knock Trump down a few pegs and soften him up for November, that plan has backfired.
Trump hasn’t taken the beating in the polls his rivals would hope someone with such a ‘stigma’ to take. Then again, Trump isn’t your typical combatant. He doesn’t just do well in the face of conflict, he seems to revel and thrive in it.
And the same dynamic is playing out in the polls.
A new poll by NBC and WSJ
Even if not everyone is buying that his phone call with Zalensky was as ‘perfect’ as Trump has said it is, Pelosi and Schiff have lost the public opinion battle over his removal.
Though a majority of voters say President Donald Trump abused his power and obstructed Congress, they oppose removing him from office for those acts by a narrow margin, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
And the impeachment process does not appear to have greatly swayed voters’ opinions of the president. Overall, 46% said they approved of the job Trump was doing and 51% disapproved. Those numbers were consistent with previous NBC News/Wall Street Journal polls.
“We’ve been through an impeachment inquiry in the House, a trial in the Senate, and America’s attitudes about Donald Trump have hardly budged,” said Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt, who conducted the poll along with Republican Bill McInturff, according to NBC News.
But the impeachment process may have helped intensify Trump’s level of support. Thirty-six percent said they “strongly” approved of his performance, the highest number in the poll since he took office. And 33% said they had “very positive” feelings about Trump, which was also a new high.
McInturff said the poll is Trump’s “strongest” in three years.
Source: USAToday
‘Strongest in three years’ sounds like he’s in pretty good shape. Especially when all of America sees that the media breathlessly reported Schiff’s team in a purely positive light, and touted Trump’s defense in a horribly hostile one.
Not only is Trump winning the impeachment argument — international trade deals signed, jobs created, the Wall being built, the military strengthened, terrorists killed — success after success keeps piling up in Trump’s win column.
Looks like Pelosi finally has a reason to think of Impeachment as something ‘sad and somber’ after all.