Leftist Leaders Around The World Finally Understand Why ‘Open Borders’ Is A BAD Idea

They’d never admit it, but in hindsight they’re making Trump and his border warnings look like some kind of a freaking Nostradamus.
Don’t let the popular Media narrative fool you.
While Democrats were busy pressing the Senate to drag out the impeachment process for as long as they possibly could — pressing for more witnesses and further hearings — Trump was already shifting his focus to a looming threat.
A threat that caused him to close the border to China — and get blasted as a ‘bigot’ because of it.
The only problem with the ‘bigot’ charge is that his policy of blocking travel between China and USA has bought America precious time to ramp up its readiness in response to the looming viral threat.
It’s precious time we WOULD have had sooner if China weren’t so busy following Chernobyl’s failed Soviet CYA blueprint of denying the problem and shifting blame.
But with the viral hotspots now shifting from China to Europe… Trump’s lockdown and travel-ban approach has been mirrored by others.
The European Union will close its borders to all non-essential travel as it attempts to contain the ongoing spread of the coronavirus on the continent.
“The less travel, the more we can contain the virus,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said Monday following a video conference between G7 leaders. She appeared confident that the European Council would sign off on the restriction in a Tuesday vote.
The bloc’s member states imposed aggressive measures on Monday, days after the World Health Organization (WHO) said Europe was at the epicenter of the pandemic.
French President Emmanuel Macron declared “war” on the virus during a national address on Monday, banning all social events across the country — including family gatherings. —CNN
European Union will close its external borders for 30 days amid coronavirus outbreak; EU citizens will still be able to move across bloc https://t.co/i4snvwgDbs
— Factal News (@factal) March 17, 2020
You see it in Australia and New Zealand, too:
Australia and New Zealand moved to seal off their borders Thursday, announcing unprecedented bans on entry for non-residents in the hope of stemming the rise of COVID-19 infections.
…Australia currently has 642 confirmed cases of coronavirus, with the total doubling roughly every three days. New Zealand has 28 cases.
Morrison said around 80 percent of Australia’s coronavirus cases came from “someone who has contracted the virus overseas or someone who has had direct contact with someone who has returned from overseas”.
A recent opinion poll showed 69 percent of Australians back closing the border.
Ardern said the measures would also ban visa holders.
“Today’s decision stops any tourist, or temporary visa holder such as students or temporary workers, from coming to and entering into New Zealand.” —MSN
Even MEXICO is now talking about stiffening the border (with America!)
For once, the conversation over closing the US-Mexico border is being driven b Mexican health officials who say they are considering shutting out Americans to keep coronavirus out of their country.
There are currently more than 2,000 cases of the virus in the US and it is spreading rapidly. Forty-three people have died from it.
By contrast in Mexico, there have only been 16 confirmed cases and no deaths.
At a press conference on Friday, health minister Hugo Lopez-Gatell said: ‘Mexico wouldn’t bring the virus to the United States, rather the United States would bring it here. — DaiyMail
Canada’s Justin ‘Blackface’ Trudeau has been in isolation since his wife contracted it in the UK. And (except for the illegal immigration at the Canada-US border that is continuing unabated) Canada’s borders are closed to foreign travel from anywhere other than the US.
BREAKING – Canada is closing its borders and only allowing Canadian citizens, permanent residence and Americans in to the country. #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/YL3Abg57EY
— Mackenzie Gray (@Gray_Mackenzie) March 16, 2020
Meanwhile, in the United States:
And how did Trump’s political opponents react to his travel restrictions?
Biden’s response was typical of the Media (D)…
Joe Biden opposed the China travel restrictions wisely put in place by President Trump in January – restrictions that health experts credit with slowing the spread of coronavirus & saving lives.
If Biden had been in charge, more Americans would have contracted the virus faster. pic.twitter.com/yDXRYl6lOk
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) March 12, 2020
‘Trump’s a bigot.’
Baseless accusations like that one — that fly in the face of facts — are the only card they know how to play anymore.