Pelosi Bailed Out The Kennedy Center … What They’ve Done Since Will Have You Swearing

Not even twenty-four hours after getting their bailout money, they showed us why they never deserved it in the first place.
And there’s a really interesting corruption angle, here, too.
Remember how Pelosi, AOC and the others accused Republicans for helping corporations and screwing over the little guy?
As it happens, it was their own buddies who were busy screwing over the little guy.
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts informed members of the National Symphony Orchestra that they would no longer be paid just hours after President Trump signed a $25 million taxpayer bailout for the cultural center, according to an email obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
Nearly 100 musicians will no longer receive paychecks after April 3, according to an email from the orchestra’s Covid-19 Advisory Committee.
“The Covid-19 Advisory Committee was broadsided today during our conversation with [Kennedy Center President] Deborah Rutter,” the email says. “Ms. Rutter abruptly informed us today that the last paycheck for all musicians and librarians will be April 3 and that we will not be paid again until the Center reopens.”
The email went out to members on Friday evening, shortly after President Trump signed the $2 trillion CARES Act, a stimulus package intended to provide relief to people left unemployed by the coronavirus pandemic. Congress included $25 million in taxpayer funding for the Kennedy Center, a provision that raised eyebrows from both Democrats and Republicans, but ultimately won support from President Trump. The bailout was designed to “cover operating expenses required to ensure the continuity of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and its affiliates, including for employee compensation and benefits, grants, contracts, payments for rent or utilities, fees for artists or performers,” according to the law’s text. The arts organization decided that the relief did not extend to members of the National Symphony Orchestra, its house orchestra. — FreeBeacon
They don’t have money to help the out-of-work artists, even after getting a cool $25M in taxpayer largesse? Where the hell is all that money going, anyway?
That’s a question with a VERY interesting answer.
For some reason, the group that couldn’t afford to pay any money to its own employees was able to kick some serious deniro into a cause it believes in…
How can this be legal? @realDonaldTrump @GOPChairwoman @GOPLeader @GOP @senatemajldr This is taxpayer money & if true, unacceptable. The DNC, at the very least, s/b required to return the money back to the US Treasury. The same should apply to all that do the same.
— kaabrenda (@BSChastain) March 28, 2020
Wait a minute — fully one-fifth of the money they were given was diverted right back into the DNC? That’s pretty rich for a party that called the Republican side of this bailout a ‘slush fund’, eh?
It seems the Kennedy Center wasn’t quite so dependent on that bailout as we were led to believe.
Or was that donation more of a commission?
Suddenly Pelosi fighting so hard to have them included in this bailout is taking a distinctive appearance of — how did they like to phrase it again? Oh, right — quid pro quo. ‘This for that’.
And as we all know, such an arrangement is *totally* an impeachable offence, right?
The DNC, after seeing this obvious conflict-of-interest will be entirely happy and willing to return those $5 Million back to the Treasury, rather than appear to be a thoroughly corrupt party using the taxpayer as a forced contributor to the DNC’s own persona slush-fund — right?
It could happen, but, let’s just say we wouldn’t recommend you count on it happening unless their feet are REALLY held to the fire.