Dan Bongino’s Tweet Exposes Joe Scarborough ‘Everyone Saw This Coming In January’ Claim As A Blatant Lie
The way that the anti-Trump media is implying that the President isn’t taking the coronavirus threat seriously is utterly appalling.
On Wednesday morning, Joe Scarborough told his 2.2 million viewers, “Everybody saw this coming in early January.”
Scarborough on Trump and the Coronavirus: Unlike him, “Everybody saw this coming in early January” pic.twitter.com/rB2ZZNgzb6
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 1, 2020
No, Joe. We didn’t. Because accurate information on the coronavirus wasn’t being reported by China. Besides, we were all paying very close attention to a pretty big news item happening in our own country.
David Harsanyi at National Review wrote that “armchair quarterbacks” are trying to rewrite history on the coronavirus. Harsanyi notes that we were all very focussed on the impeachment of the President to pay attention to a “flu-like illness” in China as it was being reported at the time. (He’s correct.)
Does “everyone” include the World Health Organization, which claimed in a January 14 tweet (reflecting earlier findings) that preliminary investigations into Chinese authorities found “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus”?
Does “everyone” include the Chinese government — whose propaganda Scarborough shares as reliable data? Because it was China’s downplaying and lying about coronavirus that ensured its spread around the world. The blood is on their hands, not on the hands of your least favorite American politicians.
In early March, when reporters were fixated on a vacuous debate over the political correctness of affixing “China” to the virus’s name, researchers at the University of Southampton released a study indicating that 95 percent of COVD-19 cases would have been prevented around the world if the Communist regime had acted three weeks earlier. If China had intervened just one week earlier, there would have been an 66 percent mitigation, while two weeks would have led to 86 percent fewer cases.
Source: National Review
One tweet by Dan Bongino exposed Scarborough’s blatant lie.
Bongino tweeted an image of a number of headlines from the Media(D) that downplayed the risk of COVID-19.
This isn’t even to say that the Partisan Presstitutes and the Democrats were irresponsible in their reporting at the time–they were reacting to the information that was available. Even the CDC, the World Health Organization, and other experts didn’t believe it was a threat because they didn’t have complete information. They didn’t have complete information because China was lying and continues to lie.
On January 27, Morning Joe had Dr. Dave Campbell on telling viewers to worry about the flu not the coronavirus. (Elliot corrected the date in the tweet with the video, but “corrects the correction” to January 27.)
CORRECTION: That was the first mention on MSNBC. The first mention on Morning Joe was Jan. 24th, when an “expert” said Americans should worry about the flu, not the Coronavirus pic.twitter.com/aG0BjwHxKj
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 1, 2020
Scarborough himself asked a basic question about it on February 7, then doesn’t come back to the very urgent pending pandemic until three weeks later.
Took awhile, but I’ve found the first time Scarborough offers any kind of commentary on the Coronavirus. It’s from Feb. 26th … only about 2 months after he said “everybody” was talking about it pic.twitter.com/klOfkc87oi
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 1, 2020
Dr. Zeke Emanuel, the expert that Joe was talking to in the April 1 clip, didn’t see this coming, either. Check out his comments on the Thom Hartmann Program on January 29. Dr. Emanuel said, “whatever this coronavirus is, it is very, very, very, very unlikely to be that severe.” He also said that it wasn’t very likely to “break out into some global pandemic.”
This was all based on the information that was coming out of China at the time.
Can you imagine Scarborough’s outrage if President Trump had been raising warnings about the coronavirus while the Media(D) was downplaying it? Scarborough would call the President xenophobic and say that he was “fearmongering” in order to make his big power grab and finally, finally become that Hitleresque dictator that they’ve claimed he has been this whole time.
Oh, wait. President Trump mentioned it in the State of the Union Address while the Democrats were busy impeaching him.
Live shot of Joe’s response to the clip: