God, You & The COVID19 ‘Plague’
Since the overhyped COVID19 “plague” has saddled the planet, because I’m an outspoken Christian author, I’ve been asked to do several interviews and have fielded many a phone call asking goofy me, “What is God saying in all this?”
Here’s one thing I’ve learned in 37 years of following the rebel from Galilee: God’s message never changes, Dinky. It’s always, repent and believe. Turn from your sin. Trust in Christ’s finished work on the cross and not your silly religious works and you’ll be okay. That simple act of faith ingrafts one into a covenant relationship with The Omnipotent God and that beats the crap out of you being in a chaotic world flailing around all by your lonesome.
Also, please note: nowhere did Jesus say His followers would live a problem-free life. Matter of fact, if you would’ve read this thing called The Bible you would’ve seen that He told everyone in His first podcast (Mt.7:24-27) that pain or ‘storms’ are coming to everyone everywhere sometime in their life. JC said if we build our lives on His word we’ll be fine. If we don’t … well … we won’t. In addition, He told his handpicked special 12 amigos that they would face tribulation on this terra firma (Jn.16:33). He also exhorted them to not to get all weepy about it because He has overcome all the bollocks this world can toss at them and He, The Ultimate Dragonslayer, is here to help.
So, aside from God saying repent, trust, brace for the crunch and He’s here to help, I think He’s also saying the following obvious stuff like …
China sucks and lies and we’re way too dependent on them.
The World Health Organization or ‘WHO’ should officially change its name to ‘WTF’.
Dr. Fauci is full of dank Fauci.
Talk Show Hosts aren’t natural beauties and have very underfurnished apartments that we all know about now thanks to them Skyping in from their lair.
The “cure” that was administered by the “experts” was astronomically and economically worse than the disease.
Universities are so unnecessary.
CNN is a nonessential job.
Homeschoolers are laughing their butts off right now.
Parents are finding out it is not a “teacher issue”.
In two months “Instagram models” will be prostitutes and “entrepreneurs” will be thieves, just like in the old days.
From a plague proximity perspective, there’s something to be said about John Denver’s hit song, “Thank God I’m a Country Boy.”
You’re a fool to sacrifice liberty for “safety” especially when The Left and Big Government RINOs tell us it’s, “for our own good.”
Christians should really think twice about embracing Facebook, YouTube/Google or Zoom for their comms seeing that trio is deeply in love with China and not big fans of Jesus.
Lastly, I’d like to make a prediction, play Captain Obvious, and close with an exhortation.
- Prediction: Cute sermons, preached by Cheesy Christian dandies, are going to take a big, and much needed, hit in this Age of Corona. Indeed, compromised ministers and their PC drivel will cease to appeal to the newly woke reality-based believers who just got fish-slapped during this crisis and weren’t spiritually prepared by their feelgood church to field this fetid mess. Yep, what flourished in the pulpit and was yummy during supposed endless days of prosperity and self-love hit the flipping wall at 90-miles-per-hour in March of 2020. Cotton candy, specious and therapeutic sermons will not suffice the word starved (Am.8:11) Christians going forward. Preachers who have been preaching eartickling messages to solipsistic Christians are going to lose a big chunk of their crowds to the steady sons of thunder who have never changed their sermons to suit the carnal palette of the faux christian who’s addicted to pleasure and allergic to godly duty. It’s prophet time, not puppet time. See you later alligator. By the way, how’s your church’s 2020 New Year’s Resolutions going for you
- Captain Obvious: This is a perfect time to preach the Gospel because people are freaking out. When Jesus saw people who were distressed and dispirited He didn’t say, “Yay, I say unto thee my brethren, save yourself and social distance from each other. The end has cometh and you could catch the Wuhan Weezer!” When Jesus saw swaths of humanity losing it He said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few (Mt.9:36-38).” Are you a “worker” during this pandemic or are you self-preserving? Have you up’ed your gospel outreach or have you battened down the hatches? Thank God some Christians weren’t around when Jesus healed the leper in Matthew 8 because they would have advised Him not to. Fairweather Christians are getting exposed like never before. Jesus’ command to heal the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead has not been changed to listen to demons, avoid the sick and count the dead.
- My Exhortation: Follow your call no matter what. If God called you to do something the call is still on regardless of the circumstances. Like He didn’t know this crash was coming when He called you to task? Here’s one thing I’ve noticed about God’s various callings to His peeps in the scripture and throughout history: God’s call always comes when things ain’t peachy. So don’t quit, flake out and blow off your commitment to Him because of the frickin’ COVID19. Nut up, brothers and sisters. Oh, and by the way, Martin Luther enacted his reform during less than yippy conditions. John Wycliffe’s epic work of translating the scripture occurred during the initial spread of the Black Death that waylaid 700k Brits. So, what’s your excuse to not move forward? Look folks, If God’s truly laid something on your heart to do that’ll further His kingdom and bless this planet then carry on my wayward son.
The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog, ClashDaily.com, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male