What Happens When Your Brook Dries Up?
So, when you’ve taken a huge hit from the blunt end of life’s pool cue, where do you go to get back on your feet? Glad you asked.
Does having your feet get kicked out from under you mean God hates you, or that you’re a massive failure?
Or could it be something more?
Could it be the setup for God teaching you to trust him, and not your circumstances, a chance to stretch your faith and grow into the next thing God has waiting for you… just like Elijah.
You see, long before we see his dramatic challenge against the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel, there was a drought. The easy living God gave him when Elijah was sent to wait somewhere the murderous king would never find him came to an end.
His UBER Eats Air-delivery service ended, and his brook dried up.
No food, no drink, no place to stay, and his face on a wanted poster in every Post Office in Canaan… he could have given up and cried.
Instead of sulking, he talked to God and found that the next step of his journey took him in a way he couldn’t POSSIBLY have imagined.
Find out the four takeaways from this epic prophet’s Brook drying up that can be written into the script of your own life if — I said IF — if you’ve got the guts to really lean on God and put your faith in HIM, and not your ‘Plan B’.
I’m the same Christian Artist, Doug Giles, taking up the brush and portraying the Biblical heroes as the Warriors & Wildmen that they were.
Check it out a short, 20-minute film where I’m talking about Biblical Badasses, here:
Need a bigger dose of spiritual adrenaline to get you back on your feet when you feel like you’ve fallen flat on your face?
We’ve got you covered there, too.
Things are pretty rough right now, eh? You know, in days gone by, tough times were no big deal to the believer, because Christians used to be a tad bit pluckier back then. When bad things happened, the believers from bygone days did not wail like sirens, move home with mummy, and/or renounce their Christianity just because things momentarily were jacked up. You re probably thinking, Where did they get their holy bulldog resiliency? Jesus told us in the Sermon on the Mount that heartaches in life are a matter of when, not if. Are you ready? If not, don t freak, as the contents of this fast-paced and funky book seek to shore up your sagging spirit.