While American ‘Experts’ Claim That The Wuhan Virus Is Committing ‘Genocide’ Of Blacks–Real Racism Is Ramping Up In China

If you need proof that the left is more interested in racial equality as a club to bash America then they are in helping the people they ‘champion’… here you go.
The current story the Left would have you believe is pretty simple. America is hopelessly racist, and it is mostly the fault of people on the political right. That’s the reason we hear that American institutions have been corrupted with ‘institutional racism’, and the NY Times has been pushing their grossly ahistorical 1619 project. Historians across the spectrum have spanked them for it, but that hasn’t stopped the school system from folding it into the curriculum.
There are two possible explanations for WHY they push their story: either because it’s true and aims to right a historical wrong; or, if false, because it accomplishes some a propaganda goal.
Reactions to the Wuhan Coronavirus gives us a chance to test the Left’s motives.
The nature of this particular disease hit populations with underlying risk factors, including breathing difficulties and uncontrolled diabetes especially hard. These are risk factors to which African-Americans are particularly vulnerable.
Sadly, but unsurprisingly, this has led to a statistically disproportionate impact on hospitalizations. But is WuFlu evidence of discrimination?
It’s a testable theory. For one thing, the press tried to tie our reaction to xenophobia and anti-China bias — first with the travel ban (which proved to be such a proven ‘best practice’ that the rest of the world followed suit), and later with the title the WuFlu was known by ‘Chinese Coronavirus’ which is very similar to what it is known as in China — the WuHan Virus.
Clearly, some people are DESPERATE to pin some kind of racism on Trump and his administration. It’s not just the press and (other) mouthpieces of the Chinese Communist Party, either.
We’ve got a key medical researcher convinced that the virus itself is becoming explicitly anti-Black. No, we’re not kidding.
Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, who is described by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as the “lead” member of the U.S. government team racing to find a coronavirus vaccine, has engaged with online theories calling the pandemic a black “genocide” and condemned what she called “systematic oppression” by white people, a review of her social media posts by “Tucker Carlson Tonight” reveals.
…On March 29, Corbett tweeted out a Bloomberg article about how the poor are dying at higher rates from coronavirus. In her tweet, she said that doctors would deliberately choose to deny ventilators to black Americans, leaving them to die instead.
“I tweet for the people who will die when doctors has [sic] to choose who gets the last ventilator and ultimately… who lives,” Corbett wrote. “The poor. And, while the article doesn’t explicitly say it… the black.”
Someone replied to Corbett on April 9: “It’s so scary to think about. I know when it comes down to it people will be turned away or left to die because they are black.” Corbett replied that same day: “Yep. Both.”
Another user declared, “They hate us. This virus is a sure fire way to get rid of us without having to lift a finger.” Corbett replied: “Some have gone as far to call it genocide. I plead the fifth.” — FoxNews
Sure thing, chica. America has a stranglehold on racism, the absolute worst place ever for black and brown people to live, is it? Maybe her definition of racism is just a LITTLE bit in need of recalibration.
Let’s contrast America’s reaction to Kung Flu with the Chinese version.
Chinese government propagandists tried to play the xenophobia card… right? What is it about the left and blaming others for their own sins?
Africans in southern China’s largest city say they have become targets of suspicion and subjected to forced evictions, arbitrary quarantines and mass coronavirus testing as Beijing steps up its fight against imported infections, drawing US accusations of xenophobia.
China says it has largely curbed its COVID-19 outbreak but a recent cluster of cases linked to the Nigerian community in Guangzhou sparked the alleged discrimination by locals and virus prevention officials. — HongKongFreePress
They failed to pin this on the US military, but it looks like China still managed to find themselves a scapegoat.
Jay has been locked in his apartment in the southern Chinese megacity of Guangzhou since April 9—when a doctor, local official and a translator delivered a mandatory quarantine order due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The order came despite the fact that he hasn’t traveled in three months, is showing no symptoms of the disease and hasn’t come into contact with anyone who has tested positive.
The English teacher, who comes from South Africa, checks his temperature every day and sends the readings to his landlord. A camera installed in the hallway of his building points straight at his door to make sure he doesn’t leave.
“When I asked my landlord why me specifically, she said, ‘That’s what the government wanted. All Africans must be isolated at home,’” says Jay, who asked to go by a pseudonym because of fears he could be deported.
…Ms. A., a Ugandan woman who asked to be identified only by an initial for fear of reprisals at her workplace, says she and her four Ugandan roommates were taken to a hotel to quarantine, where they were charged almost $500 each.
“The quarantine is OK if they’re doing the right thing,” she says. “But this is discrimination.”
Widely shared videos online appear to show Africans being barred from entering some supermarkets and restaurants. —Time
Here is a real instance of racism. Black people are banned from entering malls in China. Where is the global outrage against this? pic.twitter.com/F0XRZY4ung
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) April 18, 2020
This NBC headline and subhead by themselves tells a story: “McDonald’s apologizes after restaurant in China bans black people A sign said that “black people are not allowed to enter” the restaurant in Guangzhou.”
They had to shut down that restaurant and educate the staff not to refuse any customers for bigoted reasons like race.
Guangzhou had confirmed 114 imported coronavirus cases as of Thursday — 16 of which were Africans. The rest were returning Chinese nationals.
The tense situation has made Africans targets of suspicion, distrust and racism in China — and brought a stinging rebuke Saturday from Washington.
Several Africans told AFP they had been forcibly evicted from their homes and turned away by hotels.
“I’ve been sleeping under the bridge for four days with no food to eat… I cannot buy food anywhere, no shops or restaurants will serve me,” said Tony Mathias, an exchange student from Uganda who was forced from his apartment on Monday.–Time
Maybe this superheated rhetoric about America being the embodiment of racism and hopelessly corrupted is evidence of both a natural hatred of America and her institutions and an ignorance of the wider world.