Chelsea Clinton Parrots Chinese Propaganda To Criticize Trump–Twitter Takes Her To Truthtown
The Media(D) have been spouting CCP propaganda from the very beginning of the pandemic and leftists like Chelsea Clinton are happy to lend a hand.
After all, there’s a clear goal in mind here–make sure that President Trump looks less credible than the Chinese Communist Party. Clearly, there are some leftists that are upset that communists didn’t win the Cold War, so they’re carrying water for one of the most brutal regimes in the history of mankind.
Enter Chelsea Clinton and The Washington Post.
Yes, WaPo is taking its new slogan, “Democracy Dies In Darkness” to heart by deliberately covering up for the Chinese Communist Party.
In a recent article, the Washington Post stated that Wuhan, where the COVID-19 coronavirus was first discovered, only has 6 new cases, but officials are preparing to test all 11 million residents over the next 10 days.
Anyone who has been paying any attention whatsoever realizes that these numbers are absolute garbage.
There is no possible way that China managed to stop the spread of the virus so rapidly, even with their authoritarian tendencies. Survivors and relatives of the deceased in Wuhan are being threatened and bribed to stay quiet about what happened and is continuing to happen in the city.
It’s interesting to note that some of the leftists in the media are trying to claim that President Trump’s reliance on tests is pointless, while also saying that he’s not testing enough.
Chelsea thought that this story–the massive ramp-up in testing in Wuhan over a short period of time due to just six new cases–is a great way to dunk on the Trump administration.
Trump said yesterday that this week the U.S. will have performed 10 million #COVID19 tests – over more than three months. Wuhan is planning to perform 11 million tests in 10 days.
— Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) May 12, 2020
But Twitter users weren’t going to let Chelsea get away with it.
They blasted her for believing China’s bogus numbers.
— Denny Loggins (@DennyLoggins) May 12, 2020
Of course you believe China.
— InMyHumbleOpinion (@IMHO1969) May 12, 2020
And of course what China says is true. Like for example the lack of the threat of the virus in January or it’s origins, right?
— Brian Mudd (@brianmuddradio) May 12, 2020
Your faith in the Chinese Communist Party is noted
— Keith Maniac, from Guatemala (@CutItOutPutin) May 12, 2020
Chelsea and the CCP sitting in a tree
— Kevin Dalton (@NextLAMayor) May 12, 2020
I’m sure its easy for them to “mass test” in a communist country since citizens are already connected to a “social credit” system. Are you suggesting we should have the same system?
— COSMIC?M45 (@CosmicM45) May 12, 2020
China thanks you for your service.
— IamMoose (@MooseMilk1985) May 12, 2020
Xi says, “Thanks for having our backs, big gal!”
— Phineas Fahrquar (@irishspy) May 12, 2020
— CubsMom23 (@cubsmomma23) May 12, 2020
In the back-and-forth of pointing out that China has been lying from the get-go and the ubiquitous “Orange Man Bad” responses by leftists, there was this one tweet that stood out apart from the others. It was a reasonable, thoughtful response that is (unfortunately) uncharacteristic of normal Twitter discourse.
Does anyone believe anything the CCP says though? Seems highly unlikely they can achieve this number and even more unlikely that the results will be of much relevance given many countries have returned China’s Covid tests and there is not yet a reliable antibody test
— Ali (@2020Smiles) May 12, 2020
American journalists seem to believe the CCP. That’s the problem. They believe the CCP rather than the President of the United States.
If that’s not the worst example of Trump Derangement Syndrome, I don’t know what is.