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MUST WATCH: Hannity Interviews Father Of 19-Yr Old Killed In Seattle’s CHOP And It’s Gut-Wrenching

This is the kind of thing that America needs right now.

In an emotional interview on Sean Hannity’s show on Wednesday, the father of 19-year old Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr. who was shot and killed in the Seattle CHOP zone on June 20 said that the lawlessness should’ve stopped long before his son was killed.

Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr. also said some absolutely gut-wrenching things about the loss of his child, including that the city has not contacted him about his son’s death. He learned of his son’s death from his son’s friends. He also made the absolutely stunning statement that he was unable to see his son’s body for a week.

ANDERSON: I’m numb, I’m still numb today. I got to bury my son tomorrow. It’s just been a lot going on. My whole thing, my whole life, man, this is incredible. To this day, it’s been almost two weeks, I haven’t heard from nobody. Has nobody called. Ain’t Nobody called me or tried to find me. His I.D. is my I.D., so his number is my number, so it’s easy to come for – the detectives to say, excuse me, knock on my door, excuse me, let me tell you what happened about your son. I don’t know nothing. I had to find my son. They wouldn’t even let me see my son that night. It took me a whole week before I could see my son.

HANNITY: You weren’t allowed to see your son for a week? Please…

ANDERSON: They wouldn’t let me. I went to the hospital and they said that we couldn’t see him. They just said we couldn’t see him. When I go there, I’m going there, I’m looking for a detective, somebody tell me something. When I get there, there’s nobody. The hospital was blank. It’s silence. I’m going, what’s going on? So I go ask the lady, and she tells me hold on. So I wait. I couldn’t go in. I’m waiting for a long time and then I finally — she tells me to come in and then the doctor tells me, the only thing he tells me is my son is deceased. I’m like, can I see him? Is it my son? You’ve got to realize at this time I’m going like, is it really my son? You know, I want to know, is it my son? This could be somebody else’s child. In my head, I’m going, yeah he’s mine because everybody is saying this, but in my heart, I’m going, I just need — I need to see him. I need to see him one time. Just so I can see him. I couldn’t seem that day. That was Saturday.

It took all the way till Thursday. I just seen him just last week, just Thursday. Whatever they did to him, making it presentable, whatever it was. I got to finally see him. And then, in my heart, I knew it was my son. This is my son. Because I wouldn’t want nobody else’s son in there. This is incredible. The kids that pass, whatever, what happened the other day. This is incredible. These are kids, man. I’m 50 years old. These are kids, man. They should have been stopped this a long time ago. Excuse me, but it’s getting to a point where …

HANNITY: I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, Mr. Anderson. I can only say this as a dad. You want to break Sean Hannity, I’m a pretty tough guy. That will break me – what you’ve been through.

ANDERSON: Somebody [inaudible] and they need to come talk to me and somebody need to come tell me something because I still don’t know nothing, and somebody need to come to my house and knock on my door and tell me something. I don’t know nothing. All I know is my son got killed out there and he’s just a 19-year-old. That’s Horace Lorenzo Anderson, that’s my son, and I love him. That was my son.

HANNITY: Everybody. I can tell you, sir, and Andre, I didn’t want to cut you off earlier. On this show, we’ve done something – we have, every weekend, hundreds of kids shot, people shot in Chicago, killed every weekend. We get a death toll. Nobody knows their names. These are American kids. Grandmothers, grandfathers, moms, and dads. We’re the United States of America. We can fix this. We don’t fix this. You do it by right policing, training police, non-lethal weapons. You do with a police presence, not demonizing. Everyone agreed what happened to George Floyd can’t ever happen again. It was not a political issue. How do we — how do we function as a society if we don’t protect our children?

ANDERSON: I feel for his family too, no disrespect.

HANNITY: Of course you do.

ANDERSON: But when it comes to my son, I feel like somebody should’ve helped my son. He needed help. He needed paramedics. He needed the police to come. Somebody was supposed to go in there and help my son. … They should’ve came there and helped my son.

Watch the full interview here:

It was a uniting interview where you hear the pain of a father mourning the senseless loss of his son and Hannity’s compassion as a father himself. Anderson and his friend, Andre Taylor are honest and raw in this interview, and it’s an incredible thing to watch.

We need to hear the voices of those that we might not agree with ideologically and come together to protect our children.

This one interview can more for race relations in America than all the chanting and protests can. We need to see each other’s humanity, and that’s precisely what has happened here.

Watch the whole thing and you’ll see that this man is a good father, who was doing the best that he could. He has lost a child to senseless violence and to add to that pain, the authorities didn’t have the decency to contact him and refused him the basic courtesy to allow him to see his son’s body for an entire week to identify the body or process his loss.

Both Mr. Anderson and Mr. Taylor applaud Hannity’s handling of the interview, his compassion, and at one point, Mr. Taylor commends Hannity for living out his faith.

This is what we all need to do.

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker