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News Clash

WATCH: Killer Kayleigh Throws White House Press Corps In The Wood Chipper… Again

She is so very good at this game. She waited patiently until the last minute of the Press Conference. And then the trap sprang shut.

In theory, the job of the White House Press Corps is to bring questions of interest to the general public to the president’s attention for answers.

Ideally, that interplay would make for a truly informed public with a sufficient breadth of understanding of civic life that they could make informed decisions during elections, or possibly, that they would know how a particular issue of importance to them was being handled or mishandled so they could follow up with their local elected representatives.

Can anyone claim with a straight face that describes the work of our current crops of meatheads and misanthropes? Or are they just skipping from one ‘outrage’ to the next, with an eye toward taking even the most innocuous of stories as an opportunity to kneecap the President?

Here’s Kayleigh beating them at their own game.

At the last Press Conference, she let them run out the clock, and exhaust all of their questions, making sure there were no further questions.

Then she asked one of her own:

Here is the dad she referenced in that speech, talking about an eight-year-old girl who will never be coming home.

It was this dad who asked about Black Lives mattering.

And just like the father of the young man killed in Occupied Seattle told us, he’s not interested in the macro politics of the protests of the day. He’s too busy dealing with his own dead child. And it wasn’t the so-called ‘bad guys’ of the official political narrative that killed any of them.

If anything, having more of them in the dangerous areas may actually save lives. That’s a hard lesson we learned from Baltimore’s bitter experience.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck