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WATCH: The 6 Can’t-Miss Highlights From The First Day Of The Republican National Convention

If the first night of the RNC was any indicator, Joe and Kamala are in some big trouble…

The theme for Day 1 is “Land of Promise” and boy, oh, boy, did they deliver!

The RNC managed to balance the appeals to the base while reaching out to independent voters and addressing the issues that are of particular concern to voters: the pandemic, the economy, racial divisions, and unifying the country.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan offered the invocation at the RNC. He prayed for the unity of the nation, the police, the military, migrants, and the unborn. 

The speaker line-up was just fantastic:

There was just so much that was spectacular, but clearly, not everything can be covered thoroughly in this one article. So, here are the best-of-the-best of the must-see moments, and I’ll probably miss some.

1. The opening

The RNC didn’t have as much time or Hollywood backing that the DNC did in prepping for a virtual convention. Still, the production value of what was put together so quickly was just fantastic, and you can see that in the opening video.


2. Debunking the “Trump and the GOP are racist” myth

From Kim Klacik saying that Democrat-run cities are often corrupt and poorly run to Vernon Jones saying that Democrats want blacks on “mental plantations”; from former Ambassador Nikki Haley saying that she was “a brown girl in a black and white world” to Senator Tim Scott’s inspiring statement, “we’ve gone from the cotton field to Congress in one man’s lifetime.”

Hopefully, the vast array of diversity represented at this convention puts the nail in the coffin of that lie.

It was Herschel Walker’s story of a “deep, personal friendship” with President Trump that resonated with so many people.

3. Andrew Pollock’s speech

This was an incredibly moving speech by Andrew Pollock, who lost his daughter in the Parkland shooting. Meadow Pollock was a senior in high school and was shot four times. She crawled over to a freshman and was murdered at point-blank range as she was shielding another student.

Pollock spoke about his meeting with President Trump and the end of the “restorative justice” policies that led to the administration at Marjorie-Stoneman Douglas to ignore the overt red flags before the shooting. It was a powerful speech.

4. Warning about the far-leftists vision for America

Sean Parnell, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Charlie Kirk, and others all warned about the stakes of the election–that far-leftists want to “fundamentally transform” America.

It was Don Jr. who had the barn-burner highlighting his dad’s accomplishments and why he needs a second term.

4. “Joe Biden and the Democrats are still blaming America first–Donald Trump has always put America first.”

That little line was just the beginning of Nikki Haley’s fantastic and moving speech. She spoke about her time at the United Nations, the contrast between the record of Biden and the Trump administration on foreign policy, the economy, and the authoritarian tendencies of the left. She also spoke about her experience as an Indian girl growing up in South Carolina. Haley said firmly that “America is not a racist country.”

5. Senator Tim Scott’s speech

This is so incredible, that you should just watch it and hear Senator Scott say it himself. It’s worth listening to every single minute.

After that speech, there’s chatter that Senator Tim Scott could run for President in 2024, and it’s no wonder.

I wish I could highlight Maximo Alvarez, Natalie Harp, Dr. G.E. Ghali, and Rebecca Freidrichs, but you can look those up yourself. Take the time to check out all these stories–it’s worth it.



K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker