‘The Plan’: Email Detailing Hunter’s Scope Of Lobbying For Burisma Turns Up In Trove
Not only does this directly connect Hunter, Bursima, and Washington lobbying (while Joe Biden was Veep), but it lays out the nature of that lobbying on Burisma’s behalf, and the conscious decision they made to NOT register as lobbyists. Hunter’s partner Devon Archer explicitly endorsed it with the words ‘move ahead’.
Remember all those lectures the Democrats gave us about Quid-pro-quo meaning ‘this’ for ‘that’? We now have the side of the equation that Joe has been denying all along.
Of all the things for Democrats to hit Defcon 1 over, why was it a phone call with Trump asking about Burisma that set them off?
Because he was compromised. Worse than that, looking into who’s on the take in Ukraine might hurt a few other exposed figures in high places. Pelosi and Kerry, for instance, also had kids working with Ukraine energy companies. And there are all sorts of connections through the Atlantic Council and other groups whose tendrils trace back to America.
Hunter has been getting a lot of money for work he doesn’t seem very qualified. Is he trading on the family name for political influence? Or hs he delivering a real service?
An email exchange answers that question for us.
The emails themselves are visible on this tweet, which is ‘click-able’.
"Move ahead"
Here is the email where Hunter Biden's team outlines their strategy to employ lobbyist in DC to help shape US policy toward Burisma's interests
It is clear this is the sole reason Hunter was employed pic.twitter.com/sjQJti0XeS
— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) October 25, 2020
For your convenience, the contents of those emails have been transcribed, below:
May 12, 2014:
Vadim — Per your email below, here is a summary of the work I suggest we start:
1) Immediately: advise on how to use Washington D.C. contacts to stop the politically-motivated attacks on Burisma taking place right now in Ukraine.
2) In the near term: Research, analyze, and summarize our recommended Plan as to the legal, political, and public relations work that Burimsa should consider in an effort to achieve its goal of developing a Western-looking strategy. Our Plan would focus on work to help create a “bullet-proof vest” for Burisma, including: 1) ensuring key government officials know who Burisma is and that they are on the right side of history, that you are a company that meets western standards for good governance and transparency, and otherwise developing important relationships for Burisma within the U.S. government; 2) examining ways we may be able to help Burisma diversify geographically and expand its work into the West (explorations, joint ventures, etc.); and 3) examining potential vulnerabilities Burisma may face legally, politically and public relations-wise and ways to address those vulnerabilities.
On May 12, 2014, Heather King wrote:
Devon and Hunter — The immediate plan is to reach out to the Energy and Ukraine desks, respectively at State Dept to introduce them to Burisma and “update” them on Burisma’s current situation, which will include the issues you’ve emailed me about today per Vadim’s emails to you. We can’t just go in there with a hard ask but it is often the case that the conversation is open to an ask, assuming it goes well. That ill include outreach ot Carlos Pascual, he is the top Us energy diplomat; his actual title is Special Enfoy and Coordinator for Iternational energy Affairs at State. he was formerly US Ambassador to Ukraine (’00-03) and later to Mexico (09-12 – he was apparently not so great in Mexico but still respected and highly effective). He was recently in Ukraine and on the Hill briefing the Senate Foreign Relations Committee privately about Ukraine and the challenges it faces.
On May 12, 2014, Heather King wrote:
Devon — This email from Vadim below has precipitated a conversation I wanted to have with you anyway. As part of our ongoing strategy, I would ideally like for BSF to engage a lobbyist of our choosing to work with me. We at BSF will lead all this work and can execute the political and legal work right up to the line where we would need to register as lobbyists, but I don’t want to register under the lobbying disclosure act or the foreign agents registration act. I have the right person picked out and have already casually and broadly discussed the issues with him. If it’s okay with you, I’ll have a more pointed conversation with him today so we can get moving, starting with key State Dept officials. We need to start talking to this week. (His name is David Leiter — he is good, trust-worhty, understands energy issues and Ukraine, and he is very close with Sec. Kerry (was formerly Kerry’s Chief Of Staff, which is how I kow him.))
From Devon Archer”
Move ahead.
-Devon Archer
But there is ‘nothing to see here’ … right?