Three MAGA Nuns Steal The Show At Ohio Trump Rally

The Catholic Right went wild and the atheistic left went nuts.
President Trump held a rally in Circleville, Ohio on Saturday and, as usual, it was like a rock concert mixed with a 4th of July party. One thing, in particular, stood out, however, a trio of nuns proudly holding a large Bible and praying for the President stood right behind him throughout the entire rally.
President Trump’s campaign rally in Ohio on Saturday had his supporters in a frenzy, but it was three nuns wearing MAGA masks who stole the show.
Social media went wild on Saturday as images went viral of the ‘MAGA nuns’ holding up a Bible and praying while the president gave his speech in Circleville.
Source: Daily mail
Some loved it…
— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) October 24, 2020
Nuns for Trump… never seen this before. Getting interesting… 😊
— Billy Mauldin (@billyemauldinjr) October 25, 2020
People who know Trump is really the first president to 'hurt' Planned Parenthood are not in the least bit surprised to see nuns supporting him.
That is all.
— The🐰FOO-BOO🎃 (@PolitiBunny) October 25, 2020
…others — not so much. Many thought that they weren’t real nuns at all.
this can’t be real
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) October 24, 2020
Wait…Now trump has paid fake nuns and fake doctors at his rallies??? OMG 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
— Opinion8dLiberal – #NotNearlyAsPoliteHereAsIAmOnFB (@MishiFreeman) October 25, 2020
Happy Halloween. Fake nuns love Trump!
— Robin Abcarian (@AbcarianLAT) October 25, 2020
I auditioned for one of the fake nuns at trump rally today.
Never got a callback.— Ryan Stiles (@WhoseRyanStiles) October 25, 2020
Then some asshat with a blue wave emoji in his Twitter handle decided to doxx them. He didn’t use their names, but did post the name of their order and drew a line between each nun’s face to one on another photo from the website.
Being me, I emailed the Children of Mary nuns to ask if they attended the Trump rally in Circleville. They have just answered, "Yes."
— Lee in Iowa 🌻🟧 (@Lee_in_Iowa) October 25, 2020
She better use that rosary to pray for forgiveness. She'll need it.
These nuns belong to the Children of Mary. They normally focus on orphans. I wonder if anyone asked them about the 545 children Trump stole from their parents. A high percentage I'd assume were CATHOLIC.
— Amy Mode Activated ᓚᘏᗢ ಇ. (@ActivateAmyMode) October 25, 2020
Heaven forbid that a group of nuns supports the most pro-life President in American history, right?
President Trump has also recognized the Little Sisters of the Poor at the White House in 2017.
Trump recognizes The Little Sisters of the Poor at the White House
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) May 4, 2017
President Trump protected nuns from paying for abortion.
Joe Biden promised to make nuns pay for abortion.
After the Little Sisters of the Poor won in the Supreme Court, Joe Biden officially stated, “If I am elected I will restore the Obama-Biden policy that existed before…”— Catholics for America (@CatholicsforUSA) October 8, 2020
The anti-Catholicism on the left is rampant — just look at what Democrats had tried to do with Judge Amy Coney Barrett early on until there was massive backlash against it.
Kamala Harris attacks members of the Knights of Columbus, Dem Senators attack Catholic Trump nominees like Barrett, and Biden wants to take Nuns back to court. #CatholicsNeedNotApply
— Matt Schlapp (@mschlapp) September 25, 2020
It’s no surprise that a group of nuns would express their political views — and that they’re supporting President Trump.
It’s only the left that’s surprised because they believe themselves to be morally superior to everyone else.
Here’s the entire Circleville rally featuring the MAGA nuns: