Living In Occupied Territory

By now, most of us conservatives have heard or even used the term “civil war”. Guaranteed this was not used in reference to history or even a good movie. An obviously stolen election, the Wuhan Kungflu Overreaction, and the total unlawful chaos of last summer makes “civil war” the only empirically focused conclusion.
Outside of a few incidents in last summer’s Democrat sanctioned “protests”, few shots have yet to be fired. The back and forth has been mostly rhetorical. But make no mistake about this: conservatives are now living in occupied territory.
We don’t know yet how bad it’s going to get. I suggested one possible way to keep the peace in my last month’s article “Fragmented Nation: Is Now The Time To Break Up The Union?” I know that’s going to extremes, but it could be a viable reality in time. Until then, especially during this holiday season. let’s keep our focus on what Christmas means and how we can direct our time and energy on the example of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christ was born in occupied territory. The Roman general Pompey conquered Israel after the siege of Jerusalem in 63 BC. Rome remained the ruling power in the region until the middle of the 4th century AD. Even after the fall of Rome in 476 AD, Israel was consistently occupied by one conquering nation or another.
So how did the Saviour of the world live His life under such circumstances during this time? Keeping in mind that Jesus was a Jew who lived a perfect life according to Jewish tradition and culture, here are some examples of how to live under occupation.
Christ was a functioning member of society.
Even though our current societal situation because of the Kungflu Overreaction has crippled the livelihoods of millions, the American work ethic is still alive. People want to…no, need to…work badly enough to start literally fighting to open their businesses.
Until Christ started His earthly ministry at age 30, he probably worked a good 10 to 15 years. Tradition calls Jesus a carpenter (Mark 6:3) and the sone of a carpenter (Matt.13:55). It was Jewish tradition that a father often passed his profession unto his son. Nonetheless, Jesus worked. He was a contributing member of his society.
Jesus never backed down from controversy.
I wrote an entire article about this, entitled “The Confrontational Christ”, posted on 6/26/2020. You can check it out for yourself, or find the following scripture references: Luke 14:1-6, 12:49-57; Matt. 4:1-11, 12:9-13; Mark 2:1-12; John 8:1-11.
Of course, there are many more instances of controversy faced by Christ than I have space for. The point is He stood up always for the truth God had sent Him to bring. We should also stand for what we know to be true.
Christ called out religious hypocrisy.
I personally am beginning to feel that God will use the entire Kungflu Overreaction and stolen election scenario to shake the church. Church’s are either complying with shutdown orders or are finding new ways to continue to gather regardless of what local dictators are decreeing.
The “go-along-to-get-along” attitude is nothing new. Christ used some pretty strong language in dealing with this same issue (Matt.12:33, 35; 23:13-36) Personally, I found it necessary to find another congregation where you don’t have to wear a mask in order to worship the God who heals. (Might be another article there…)
Christ continued having common ground with common people.
Even though He lived in a country occupied by a hostile power, He interacted daily with those around Him. He did not let the circumstances of life at that time stop Him from living. His interaction, from preaching to multitudes at the Sermon On The Mount (Matt. Chapters 5-7), to personal one-on-one encounters (John Chapter 4; 8:1-11) kept Him in touch with everyday life, and even with those who had a small degree of power (Luke 19:1-10).
While Christ did live as a Jew, He wasn’t afraid to test cultural norms.
Jesus knew that Jewish religious leaders were perverting the true meaning of the Law Of Moses. The way in which He stood up to them as well as the Roman authority might seem insignificant at first, but the implications were far-reaching. The example of gleaning (Lev. 19:10) the left over crops in a field (Matt. 12:1-8; Mark 2:23-28; Luke 6:1-5) was condemned by religious leaders because Jesus and His disciples did this on a Sabbath. Further in Luke 6:6-11, Christ was also condemned for healing on the Sabbath. In both instances, He cited scripture and stood for what was right, based on common sense.
Christ has shown that standing up to hypocritical tyranny circumvents the law. Oppression is not just physical, but also economic, mental, and spiritual.
As we become more “occupied” by the Democrat/Socialist/Communists, continue to stay active, controversial, productive, and empirically aware of what is going on. Call out the stupidity when you see it. In every way, large and small, resist in the areas they want to occupy.
In closing:
“Wherefore by their fruits shall ye know them”. (Matt. 7:20)
“Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?” (Ps.94:20)
My new CD, entitled “Trophy Hunting For Unicorns” is now scheduled for release on Jan. 22nd. We’ve already released two D45s on all the digital music platforms. There is yet a third one scheduled before the CD, for January 1st. This one is totally different than the other two. While my projects have been focused on progressive rock and jazz, the next D45 is a rockabilly tune entitled “Anachronistic Anachronism”. Music written by Dan Leu with lyrics and vocals by Shawn Browning, who is the owner/operator/Alpha dog of Rottweiler Records. This one is a lot of fun. Please check out my music page on Facebooik and on Rottweiler Records. Thanks for your support in advance and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Jesus Is Lord!