Senators Duckworth And Hirono Refuse To Confirm Biden Officials Unless They Are Minorities — Is That Racist?

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Maybe the real question should be “Is it legal?”
This seems like it’s a clear violation of the anti-discrimination legislation and violates the premise behind the 1964 Civil Rights Act which sought to eliminate discrimination based on race.
But now it’s 2021 and racism has been rebranded as “anti-racism” and the wokescolds insist that things like hard work, punctuality, and merit are all examples of “whiteness.” It’s all incredibly racist thinking, but the Left keeps pushing it. They say that if you don’t judge someone by the color of their skin, then clearly, you’re racist. But that’s okay because everyone is racist and if you don’t admit you’re racist, that means that you are definitely racist. There is no rational argument that you can have with people who have been infected with the mind-virus of Critical Race Theory.
There are the “true believers” who actually think that objectivity is a “white” thing, but there are just as many people who are willing to use identity politics for their own ends.
It’s not clear which is the case with Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) or Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) but they’re jumping on that identity politics train to push the Jamala administration to do what they want it to do.
On Tuesday, Sen. Duckworth told CNN’s Chief Congressional Correspondent Manu Raju that she was going to vote “No” on all of the Jamala administration’s nominees unless the co-Presidents appoint more Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) candidates to key positions.
Tammy Duckworth just told me she’s voting NO on Biden nominees until President makes commitment/ appoints AAPI picks to key executive branch positions. She said found it “insulting” that a senior WH aide last night pointed to Harris’ South Asian roots when asked about AAPI picks
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) March 23, 2021
“When I asked about AAPI representation in the second part, the first words out of the staff’s mouth is: ‘We’re very proud of Vice President Harris, which is incredibly insulting,” Duckworth said.
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) March 23, 2021
“Until then, I am a no vote on the floor on all non-diversity nominees,” she said, including sub-Cabinet choices and judicial nominees. She said she would support racial minorities and LGBTQ nominees.
After informing the White House, Duckworth said: “They will get back to me.”
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) March 23, 2021
She was quickly joined by Sen. Hirono who couldn’t let an opportunity to grab headlines from her appearance on MSNBC go to waste.
To all the Asian American/Pacific Islander voters out there — do these two knuckleheads really speak for you?
Senator Tom Cotton denounced the Democrats’ obsession with identity politics.
It’s disappointing but not surprising that the Democrats’ obsession with identity politics has come to this: U.S. Senators openly acknowledge voting for or against nominees based solely on their race.
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) March 24, 2021
But don’t worry, with the “Biden-Harris” White House caved to the demands.
CNN’s Jake Tapper said that Sens. Duckworth and Hirono were “backing off” of their threat.
Duckworth and Hirono back off threat to oppose Biden nominees after White House agrees to add senior AAPI adviser – CNNPolitics
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) March 24, 2021
No, Jake. What happened there is that their threat worked.
Senator Duckworth told Raju that she was going to vote “No” on Colin Kahl as the Pentagon’s top policy chief, which was already poised to be a real nail-biter of a vote.
In a split 50/50 Senate, two no votes from Democrats is “a big f*cking deal” to quote half of our current Presidential duo.
Sen. Hirono posted that she has changed her mind and will support the Biden-Harris nominees after “private conversations.”
Based on the private conversation we had, I will continue voting to confirm the historic and highly qualified nominees President Biden has appointed to serve in his administration.
— Senator Mazie Hirono (@maziehirono) March 24, 2021
What’s interesting is that just a few days ago, Senator Duckworth was using identity politics to take a rather nonsensical swipe at the Trump administration and was bemoaning how Asians were being hurt “solely based on the color of their skin and it has to stop.”
Words have consequences.
Offensive names such as the “China virus” have led to innocent people getting hurt solely because of the color of their skin and it has to stop.
I’m proud to join my colleagues in introducing the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act.
— Tammy Duckworth (@SenDuckworth) March 22, 2021
Senator Duckworth’s claim there is just silly. Blaming the Chinese Communist Party for lying to the entire world about a highly-transmissible respiratory illness, allowing the coronavirus to spread outside its borders while cracking down on it within its borders isn’t the same thing as blaming Asian people for the virus.
While she asserts that there are “hate crimes” being committed against the AAIP community, Senator Duckworth also thinks it’s just fine to appoint people based on the color of their skin rather than on their qualifications as the primary consideration.
Leftism is a mental disorder.
In Doug Giles’ latest book, Biblical Badasses: The Women, Giles spotlights ten epic ladies who did awesome things for God with the odds severely stacked against them. These girls weren’t your typical church ladies. They were holy movers and shakers who upset hell with their God-honoring, faith-filled, lives. Giles’ unique take on these terrific women makes the scripture come alive. This book is real, raw, relevant, and irreverent. Giles’ prayer is that after reading, Biblical Badasses: The Women, not only will your noggin be filled with these amazing tales of high and lows from real women who rocked in a hard place, via the power of God, but that you will get off your butt, quit pursuing stupidity, start chasing down your high calling and at the end of your life, you too, like the holy femme fatales featured herein, will have left a massive scar on Satan’s haggard backside.
Get your copy of Biblical Badasses: The Women today!