BLM Co-Founder Says The Entire Criminal Justice System Needs To Be Abolished AFTER Chauvin Conviction

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For “abolitionists” nothing short of a complete dismantling of the criminal justice system will ever be enough for them.
Patrisse Cullors, the “trained Marxist” who is one of the co-founders of Black Lives Matter and a recently-exposed luxury home collector, is a vocal advocate of abolishing the entire criminal justice system. She wants to get rid of police, jails, surveillance — everything.
In an Instagram video, Cullors reacted to the verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial where he was found guilty of Manslaughter, Murder in the Third degree, and Murder in the Second degree.
Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors has said Derek Chauvin’s conviction was a ‘victory in accountability’ but George Floyd’s murder and the cop killing of Ma’Khia Bryant prove the criminal justice system is ‘broken’ and should be abolished.
Cullors, who set up BLM with Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi back in 2013, posted a video on Instagram Thursday where she told her 371,000 followers that now was the time to ‘fight for more’ and ‘get us closer to a place where there are no jails or prisons or surveillance’ in America…
…Cullors welcomed the guilty verdict handed down to Chauvin in the hope that it ‘makes George Floyd’s family feel better’…
…But she also questioned whether the outcome should be celebrated as she said Floyd would still be alive if the criminal justice system had been abolished as there would be no police, prisons or surveillance.
Cullors has been very open that she is all for the abolition of the police, courts — heck, the entire justice system. In the following video, she explains that she “learned” about the “Prison Industrial Complex” with the theories of known Communist Angela Davis.
Notice there that with all of the utopian dreaming of where to reallocate funds to improve impoverished communities, she says zero things about what to do with people who commit crimes.
Cullors has long called for the abolition of the criminal justice system as it is today, including its prisons, police, ICE detention centers and jails.
Instead, she calls for a move to transformative justice with law enforcement funding redirected to initiatives that directly serve communities, such as through education, healthcare and community programs.
The BLM co-founder is set to release her new book about abolition in October, titled ‘An Abolitionist’s Handbook: 12 Steps to Change Yourself and the World’.
Source: Daily Mail
Instagram has changed its settings so that videos can no longer be viewed within articles, so a link to her video is provided here, and a full transcript of her video that she titled, “My Thoughts on the Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict and Ma’Khia Bryant’s Death” is below.
CULLORS: Hey, y’all. This Daily Digest, I want to talk about the verdict and I want to talk about abolition. So, for an abolitionist, the question is always, “Is a guilty verdict for a cop an actually abolitionist act? Is this something that we should be celebrating?” And I’ll say this, as an organizer, as someone who has community organized all my life, you go with what the people want. You give them what you want — you give them the victory. A guilty cop was convicted of all the charges. Convicted of murder. We don’t see that often — we rarely see this. It’s not a sign that our criminal justice system is working, it’s actually a sign that it’s broken. It’s a sign that it’s never worked for us and that we have to move towards abolition. That is what we need to move towards. In an abolitionist world, we would still have George Floyd.
Yesterday’s verdict was a victory because it was accountability but it wasn’t a victory because it takes us toward abolition. And so, I want to make this super, super clear for us.
I watched this trial, pretty much daily. Something that was very different from this trial than the trial of George Zimmerman was that I actually felt like everybody was on the right side of history. I felt like people were listening and thinking about anti-black racism in a way that I have never seen inside a trial and that was powerful.
When I heard the guilty verdicts I felt two things. I felt a big overwhelming sense of, “I hope that makes George Floyd’s family feel better. I hope they feel some justice was given to them.”
[Clip of George Floyd’s family]I also felt like I am ready to fight for more. I am ready to move us toward abolition. I’m ready to get us closer to a place where there are no jails or prisons or surveillance.
Lastly, while we all watched Derek Chauvin be convicted for murder, another young black child was killed in Columbus, Ohio. Ma’Khia Bryant was 16 years old and shot in the chest multiple times by Columbus police. This is why black people are in so much pain, this is why black people must have abolition, this is why our country must have abolition.
In the same breath we are witnessing — finally — a cop get convicted and then in the same breath we are witnessing a black child be murdered. That’s because there is no justice in this country yet. That’s because there is no freedom for black people in this country yet. And so we have to imagine a world where black people are thriving. This country is so obsessed with black death we need to reimagine black life.
Ma’Khia should be with us. George should be with us — that’s justice, that’s love, that’s healing.
And so, imagine with me, folks, imagine abolition. Imagine a place where black people can live freely — where we can live our full, whole lives, we’re not gunned down by police, where we can live a full, healthy life. That’s what we must imagine now.
Stay safe. Stay connected. Stay grounded. We need you.
Surprisingly, there was no donate link but Cullors did hashtag BLM in the caption.
It’s so interesting to watch these Marxists redefine language. They’re now tossing around the word “abolition” which has been inextricably tied to the ending of the inhumane and just plain evil practice of chattel slavery and they’re now using it to advocate the removal of the “thin blue line” between society and anarchy. These people are fascinating.
They’re also completely out of touch with what actual people want. A Gallup poll from last August shows that 81% of blacks want the same or more policing in their neighborhoods.
Maybe Patrisse Cullors should stop and consider why her position is the same as the self-loathing white liberal elites in Topanga Canyon but not with the average black American.