Cali Rejects Nearly 20% Of Signatures In Gavin Newsom Recall Effort — Is That An ‘Assault On Democracy’?

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Can someone please direct us to the corporate boycotts over suppression and cries of ‘Jim Crow 2.0’ springing up in response to these signatures going out? We seem to have missed them.
In case there’s anyone still out there wondering if the media is massaging every story to fit Democrat propagandistic talking points, all you have to do is find two similar stories, which would favor opposite parties, and compare how they are reported.
For example, the question of election fraud over the past year was a big issue. Even before October, concerns were raised about the security of mail-in ballots, including individuals complaining they received multiple live ballots at their homes for people who did not live there, errors in ballot printing, problems with mail delivery going out on time, and incidents of mail carriers with an ax to grind tampering with ballots that had been mailed out.
These are but a few of the concerns raised BEFORE election day, to say nothing of the issues raised by things like poll-watchers being excluded from the process and whatnot, much less of the army of lawyers Team Joe sent out in the lead-up to the elections trying to tilt the process in his favor… bypassing the final Constitutional authority held by state legislatures.
Even mentioning some of those issues now (many of which never got their day in court) can get you thrown off of social media.
State officials have been responding to issues raised last year have stated their goal of making it ‘easy to vote and hard to cheat’. This has resulted in the Big Lie pushed by Stacey Abrams and Joe Biden that these entirely reasonable laws were somehow racially biased and the moral equivalent of the Poll Tax of the Democrats’ Jim Crow era. They even dubbed it ‘Jim Crow 2.0’.
Taking this even further, when State Senators in Arizona exercised their right to have an independent 3rd party to audit the alleged voter irregularities in Maricopa County… Democrats sent more than 100 lawyers in to fight the audit.
If Joe’s win was as overwhelming as he claimed, you might think he would welcome the vindication such an audit might bring in legitimizing his election results.
Contrast all that to what’s happening in California with the attempt to Recall Governor Gavin ‘Mousse-ilini’ Newsom.
In a statement, Secretary of State Dr. Shirley N. Weber’s office announced that “the threshold of verified signatures reported by counties has been met for the recall of Governor Gavin Newsom. The valid signatures in the 10th report are 1,626,042, which exceeds the total of 1,495,709 signatures required. Counties still have until April 29th to verify the validity of any remaining signatures.”
In an accompanying table, the Secretary of State reported that in addition to the 1,626,042 valid signatures, the state had rejected 400,575 signatures to date, out of a total number of 2,026,617 signatures gathered.
That means that state officials have rejected 19.8% of the total number of signatures as they have reviewed the recall petitions.
Signatures can be disqualified if signatories are found not to be registered to vote in California, for example, or if they sign more than once. —Breitbart
They threw out 20% of the votes? Why would they want to suppress the votes? What did that quote say again?
“…disqualified if signatories are found not to be registered to vote in California, for example, or if they sign more than once…”
That’s weird. Is this a ‘racist’ thing?
Yes. But only when that accusation can be leveled at Republicans. When it helps the Democrats, it’s election security.
What’s weird about this massive process — other than it being exactly what Republicans wanted to see audited in those key battleground states with those suspicious midnight spikes in Biden ballots?
This is occurring in a state that has chronic issues with refusing to comply with voter security measures. From January of 2020:
Last week, Judicial Watch sent letters to election officials in 19 counties in five states – California, Colorado, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia – warning that they could face a federal lawsuit for their failure to update voter rolls.
Eleven of the 19 counties are located in California, which has had habitual problems updating its voter rolls. Last year, Los Angeles County settled a lawsuit and agreed to clean up its voter rolls after Judicial Watch revealed that it had 1.6 million more voter registrations on file than the eligible voting population in the county. As of last year, the entire state of California had a voter registration rate of 101%.
It doesn’t appear that California counties have fixed the problem. San Diego County removed 500,000 voter registrations from its rolls last year following Los Angeles’ settlement, but according to Judicial Watch’s analysis of federal data, San Diego still has a registration rate of 117% – one of the highest in the country. —RealClearPolitics
Oh, ok.
When a citizen initiative hurts a Democrat, they’re quite happy with throwing out one in five names in the spirit of election security.
But in an actual general election — they need to keep all those extra names on the rolls.
You know — it might look really suspicious if Democrat strongholds voting patterns regularly exceeded total registered voters. Bloated rolls make these irregularities harder to spot.
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