Mad Maxine’s Long History Of Whipping Up Public Outrage

Maxine Waters, Congresswoman from California for thirty years (which is why term limits are needed in Congress, and in other offices for that matter) has a history of running her mouth, making false accusations, etc. Ten years ago, she told a group of her constituents that “the Tea Party can go straight to hell”, a remark that prompted cheers from the crowd. She then said that “I intend to help them get there.”
I wonder if she planned on having members of the Tea Party movement killed.
During the 1992 riots in Los Angeles following the Rodney King verdict, Waters defended the rioters by saying “they’re not crooks.”
On June 23, 2018, Waters attended a rally in Los Angeles and urged her supporters to harass Trump administration officials in public places by saying “if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”
Waters went even further in message to the Trump Administration, saying that “already you have members of your cabinet that are being booed out of restaurants, who have protesters taking up at their house. No peace, no sleep. No peace, no sleep.” And during an interview on MSNBC, she said that “I have no sympathy for these people that are in this administration. For these members of his cabinet who remain and try to defend him – they are not going to be able to go to a restaurant they are not going to be able to stop at a gas station they are not going to be able to shop at a department store.”
Recently, Waters made headlines in two different incidents, the first of which was during a hearing of the House Select Subcommittee. During this hearing, Congressman Jim Jordan was questioning Dr. Anthony Fauci over the lifting of the various Covid-19 restrictions, guidelines, etc. During this questioning, Waters literally told Jordan to shut his mouth.
The second incident involves her going to Minnesota and telling people there to “get more confrontational” should Derek Chauvin be acquitted of murdering George Floyd.
Needless to say, Waters is trying to incite a riot, and she should be held accountable for it. Ironically, she said that Trump should be arrested for premediated murder for the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, despite the fact that Trump did not incite any type of violence when he spoke at the rally on that day.
For more information about Maxine Waters, check out the following link: