WTF: The Left’s Blind Idolization of Fauci Just Sank To A New Low (VIDEO)

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Have you noticed yet that Fauci’s taken the old role of Michael Avenatti in the news cycle? He’s the camera whore who can always be counted on to drive the next news cycle.
Worse than that, Fauci’s level of fame is directly connected to the public’s fear of the unknown (in this case, a virus) and their trust in an ‘expert’ to step in as a savior.
He’s one bureaucrat. But through the smoke and mirrors of a conferred sense of authority, the public has been conditioned to seek their answers from him.
If you don’t think this blind devotion has all the makings of a religious cult, you’ve not seen his acolytes singing their adulation.
I don’t even have words for this…
— An0maly (@LegendaryEnergy) April 26, 2021
As if living life as a gelding weren’t bad enough, he had to publicly humiliate himself, too? Poor bastard.
Gee, how could a credulous public ever have arrived at that level of emotional dependency on an overpaid bureaucrat?
Oh, right. They were conditioned to believe it… by our ‘independent’ press.
And for what? What kind of a ‘savior’ have we been saddled with?
The guy just reversed his professional guidance. AGAIN. (If professional is even still the right word for guidance that’s been switched so often.)
Outdoor transmission risk is now ‘minuscule’. This means those masks people have been forced to wear even outside in the park — don’t mean much. Gee, who saw that coming?
Fauci agrees with some of that thought, saying that the risk for people engaging in outdoor activities is “minuscule,” especially for vaccinated individuals.
“What I believe you’re going to be hearing, what the country is going to be hearing soon, is updated guidelines from the CDC,” Fauci told ABC’s “This Week.” “The CDC is a science-based organization. They don’t want to make any guidelines unless they look at the data and the data backs it up.”
“But when you look around at the common sense situation, the risk is really low, especially if you’re vaccinated,” he said.
Isn’t this the same guy who told us that ‘commons sense’ would also dictate that double masking would be even better? COVIDICTATOR: Dr. Fauci Is Now Advocating For ‘Double-Masking’
Has anyone explained to him that common-sense and counter-intuitive are actually opposites?
How many times does he have to be wrong before the public decides his opinion and a couple of bucks together are good for a cup of coffee?
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by Doug Giles
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