AOC Leads Effort To Block U.S. From Selling Arms To Israel As House Dems Reject Sanctions On Hamas Supporters

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Democrats want to block aid to Israel while funding Hamas in Palestine. Lovely.
In April, the Biden-Harris administration reversed the Trump administration’s decision to cut funding to Palestinians and aid groups because the Palestinian Authority was incentivizing terrorism by providing a “martyr’s fund” for terrorists and their families.
Now that the Palestinian Authority is set to be back on track with $235 million in funding from President Wrong-On-Every-Major-Foreign-Policy-Decision-For-The-Last-40-Years Joe Biden, the rockets started flying from Gaza into Israel.
Democrats seem surprised to find out that when you give money to terrorists, they commit acts of terrorism. I mean, who could have known?
But, true to their playbook, the far-left wing of the Democratic Party has decided that in order to stop the violence in the Middle East, the answer is to cripple Israel.
New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced a resolution Wednesday to block a White House-approved $735 million arms sale to Israel.
Congress’ only Palestinian-American Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Wisc., joined Ocasio-Cortez’s efforts.
The resolution seeks to block the sale of Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMS), a tail kit that converts “dumb” bombs into precision-guided missiles, which are believed to have been used in the recent conflict between Israel and the Palestinian territories…
…”For decades, the U.S. has sold billions of dollars in weaponry to Israel without ever requiring them to respect basic Palestinian rights,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a statement, adding that the U.S. has “directly contributed” to the death and displacement of “millions.”
The United States should not be rubber-stamping weapons sales to the Israeli government as they deploy our resources to target international media outlets, schools, hospitals, humanitarian missions and civilian sites for bombing.
We have a responsibility to protect human rights.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 19, 2021
Some tips on calling Congressional offices:
1. Don’t be scared! Our lines exist to receive your calls.
2. Call YOUR member. The one who represents your district. Look it up in the above link.
3. Be KIND and clear. You can firmly state your position without being cruel.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 19, 2021
So, she’d rather the “dumb bombs” be used instead of “precision-guided missiles”? That will somehow make things better?
It’s not a surprise that AOC is (essentially) blaming Israel for the conflict, she doesn’t have a sweet clue about the long and complicated history of the conflict in the Middle East, despite having interned for Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) in his office on…foreign affairs. (By the way, that sentence could have ended with the words “sweet clue.”) Cortez also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Boston University for International Relations and Economics. Yes, we did joke about that some time ago:
Boston U Offers Ocasio-Cortez Full TUITION REFUND If She …
Check out how she squirms and reveals she has no idea what she’s talking about after she gets called out by PBS’s Margaret Hoover on the same “blame Israel” schtick back in 2018:
Ocasio-Cortez’s fellow “Squad” member and lone member of Congress of Palestinian heritage called the Israeli government under Netanyahu “extremist.”
“Approving this sale now, while failing to even try to use it as leverage for a ceasefire, sends a clear message to the world – the U.S. is not interested in peace, and does not care about the human rights and lives of Palestinians,” Tlaib in a statement Wednesday. “You cannot claim to support human rights and peace on Earth and continue to back the extremist Netanyahu regime, it’s that simple.”
Source: Fox News
Funny how she doesn’t talk about the extremism of the Palestinian Authority and the political strength of an actual terrorist group, Hamas, that was founded on the destruction of the Jews. Apparently, that’s not worth mentioning.
Meanwhile, a proposal by Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) that could have actually put the financial squeeze on Hamas was rejected by the House Democrats in a party-line vote.
Here’s Jim Geraghty’s take on National Review yesterday:
Another sterling moment in American legislative history: “Democrats blocked a bid to bring the Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act up for consideration in a 217-209 vote along party lines. The bill, introduced by Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla., would impose sanctions on foreign entities known to have provided financial assistance to Hamas, among other measures.” The same bill passed the House unanimously in 2019, but was not taken up for a vote in the Senate. The U.S. currently has sanctions against Hamas itself and some limits on business dealings with the Palestinian Authority…
…The Mast proposal forced Democrats’ hand. They could either take this action, and offer the potential of a genuine financial squeeze on Hamas, boxing in the Biden administration. Or the Democrats could look soft against a group launching rockets into civilian areas. (Maybe those Democrats saw an old photo of a Hamas rally and thought it was just Robert Byrd and Ralph Northam.)
Source: National Review
Here is the photo Geraghty was referring to:
Trust me, Hamas, that’s not a look that most Americans will feel warm and fuzzy about.
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) July 29, 2014
Well, that’s a Yikes!
Isn’t it funny how the left continues to present themselves as the moral and compassionate party when they’ve literally sided with terrorists both foreign and domestic? Isn’t there something about that in the Congressional Oath of Office…?