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CDC Investigating Reports Of Heart Problems In Teens And Young Adults After Second mRNA Vaccine Dose

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There are mixed thoughts on the new coronavirus vaccines especially when it comes to administering them to children and teens.

Operation Warp Speed was an absolute miracle in getting a vaccine developed and rolled out to the public in less than a year, and despite millions of doses administered, there have been relatively few serious side effects.

Still, many people are concerned that the vaccine is an experimental drug that has been approved by the FDA for “emergency use” and studies have not been done on the long-term effects of the vaccines, especially when administered to younger people who are at low risk for serious illness or death from the virus.

The CDC is now investigating dozens of reports of myocarditis — inflammation of the heart muscle — in teens and young adults who have received the second dose of an mRNA vaccine. It’s unclear if it’s occurring with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or both.

Doctors were first alerted to the possible link between myocarditis and vaccines on May 14. The working group then reviewed the data on myocarditis on May 17.

The cases seem appear to be be occurring mainly in adolescents and young adults around four days after their second dose.

The symptoms also seemed to be affecting males more than females.

‘Most cases appear to be mild, and follow-up of cases is ongoing,’ the vaccine safety group said. The C.D.C. strongly recommends Covid vaccines for Americans ages 12 and older.

Guidance has been posted on its website for doctors to be on the alert for the heart symptoms which are unusual among young people.

‘It may simply be a coincidence that some people are developing myocarditis after vaccination,’ said infectious disease specialist Dr. Celine Gounder to the New York Times.

While the incidents of myocarditis are just a few out of more than 4 million people vaccinated, understanding the risk is an important part of informed consent.

The symptoms include fatigue and chest pain alongside arrhythmias (a problem with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat) and cardiac arrest.

The CDC say that so far, the numbers of those reporting myocarditis is no greater than would normally be seen in young people.

The agency’s vaccine safety group decided to communicate the information to vaccine providers out of an abundance of caution.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has been administered to those 16 and above since December. while the Food and Drug Administration has since allowed children between the ages of 12 and 15 to receive the jab…

…Children generally face low risks of Covid, with the fatality rate well below zero, which has raised questions about whether getting them vaccinated against COVID-19 is for kids’ own protection or to protect more at-risk adults.

In total, more than four million people under 17 have been vaccinated in the United States so far, Dr Walensky said.
Source: Daily Mail

It’s important to note that contracting the coronavirus can also cause myocarditis in some individuals of any age. There is some evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is primarily a vascular disease which might explain why mRNA vaccines are affecting the heart.

This report of myocarditis primarily in males comes after a number of women have reported changes in their menstrual cycle after receiving the jab.

It’s important to be able to make a proper risk-benefit analysis when making medical decisions, and our Corporate Media is not very forthcoming in presenting the information in an unbiased fashion.

The Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) — the number of infected people that die from the disease — for people under the age of 50 is very low. Generally speaking, children and teens who contract the Wuhan Virus tend to have milder cases and fewer serious complications.

The estimated IFR is 0.002 percent for people 17 or younger, 0.05 percent for 18-to-49-year-olds, and 0.6 percent for 50-to-64-year-olds. The CDC’s prior estimates used somewhat different age groups, which makes direct comparisons tricky. But the estimated IFR for the oldest age group has risen dramatically, from 5.4 percent for 70+ to 9 percent for 65+.

The new estimates are also higher for the second-oldest group (0.6 percent for 50-to-64-year-olds now vs. 0.5 percent for 50-to-69-year-olds previously) and the second-youngest group (0.05 percent for 18-to-49-year-olds vs. 0.02 percent for 20-to-49-year-olds). The new estimate for the youngest age group is lower (0.002 percent for 17 or younger vs. 0.003 percent for 19 or younger), but that may reflect the lower cutoff.
Source: Reason

This virus has been circulating for a year and a half now, and we have learned quite a bit about it. We know that the elderly are the most vulnerable to serious illness and death, followed by those who are obese and individuals suffering some chronic medical conditions.

DISCLAIMER: ClashDaily does not recommend any course of medical treatment, and all medical decisions should be made in consultation with a doctor that you trust. 

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker