Conservative Group Is Running Ads Treating ‘Woke Inc.’ CEOs As Though They’re Politicians

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It’s simple, really: Corporations that take sides, and jump into the political fray should expect to get treated like a political foe.
If you’re going to behave like a political partisan, you’re going to get treated like a political partisan. And if that’s bad for your brand, well you should have thought of that before picking a fight with half the country.
Stop and think about some of the companies who capitulated to the woke mob and used their corporate power to take sides in partisan issues — including some famous brands who threw their brand power in the way of state legislatures’ Constitutional right to determine their own local voting practices.
Remember how Democrat partisans whipped national brands like Coke and American Airlines into pushing their talking points and pressuring local legislators to kneel to the Democrat party line?
Consumer Research does. They are tired of these coordinated subversive actions between Democrat agitators and their corporate accomplices. They’re fighting fire with fire… and a seven-figure ad campaign to back it up. (We’ve included the full press release about their launch further down.)
Imagine a political campaign ad with a twist… instead of your typical elected official, this one is targeting your brand.
Here’s one about Coke, featuring some facts about the company they’d rather the public paid no attention to:
What’s this about a bogus study they were funding? And have we really given enough thought to Coke’s significant role in the obesity epidemic? Maybe we should be asking more questions about the skeletons in Coke’s closet, eh?
What about American Airlines? Did you happen to hear what it is they are rated the worst at? Or how they REDUCED legroom during COVID? (Packing passengers even CLOSER seemed like a good idea, did it? Let’s ask the Democrats whose butts you puckered up for if they are a big fan of that move.) And did you catch the stark contrast between their company layoffs and their CEO bonus?
Then there is Nike. Remember how they were far too ‘virtuous’ a brand to be associated with the Betsy Ross flag, cancelling that signature shoe at the eleventh hour over, what was it, ‘slavery’?
That’s a very curious choice of issues for a company like yours to feign outrage over, don’t you think?
Nike (and Kaepernick) should be careful about how they throw around Nineteenth-Century complaints about slavery since it sure looks like both are making money hand-over-fist on the backs of a slave labor force right here in the Twenty-First Century. #Awkward.
What is the real reason Nike spent almost a Million dollars lobbying Congress NOT to block certain exploitive labor practices in China? Hmmmmm?
We promised to add the press release that came with the launch. Here it is, right after a screenshot we took from their home page. Also, since the videos themselves are in this story, we did not hyperlink them to the press release as we saw in the original.
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Washington, DC – May 18 – Today, Consumers’ Research launched the Consumers First Initiative, a major “name and shame” campaign against corporations that try to distract attention from their corporate failures by playing woke politics.
Consumers’ Research’s initial launch includes an ad buy of well over seven figures with hard-hitting ads critical of American Airlines, Coca-Cola, and Nike for putting woke politics over consumer interests. The ads, which will air nationally on cable and digital markets as well as local markets where the companies are headquartered, are part of the first phase of an ongoing campaign exposing companies that have increasingly put politics ahead of their customers.
“American Airlines shrunk legroom for passengers and laid off thousands of employees during the COVID pandemic while receiving billions in taxpayer bailouts. Coca-Cola and Nike have both been exploiting foreign, potentially forced, labor in China while American workers suffer. It is time these corporate giants were called to task,” said Will Hild, Executive Director of Consumers’ Research.
The ads specifically call out the leadership at America Airlines, Coca-Cola, and Nike, highlighting areas where these companies have been criticized, and pointing out that working to solve these company problems would be a better use of their time as far as customers are concerned.
“We are giving consumers a voice. These companies should be putting their energy and focus on serving their customers not woke politicians,” said Hild.
You can view the ads here:
The Worst (American Airlines)
Busted (Coca-Cola)
Cover (Nike)
About Consumers’ Research:
Founded in 1929, Consumers’ Research is an independent educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Its near century old mission is to increase the knowledge and understanding of issues, policies, products, and services of concern to consumers and to promote the freedom to act on that knowledge and understanding. Consumers Research frequently comments on the effects that laws, regulations, and government programs have on consumers. For more information visit:
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It’s time a stand was taken.
There is plenty more to be done, but this is a good start.
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If Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’, Call Jesus Radioactive
Much of the Left loathes masculinity and they love to paint Jesus as a non-offensive bearded woman who endorses their agenda. This book blows that nonsense all to hell. From the stonking laptop of bestselling author, Doug Giles, comes a new book that focuses on Jesus’ overt masculine traits like no other books have heretofore. It’s informative, bold, hilarious, and scary. Giles has concluded, after many years of scouring the scripture that, If Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’, Call Jesus Radioactive.