Eric Clapton Feared He Would Never Play Guitar Again After ‘Disastrous’ Reaction To AstraZeneca Vaccine

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Guitar legend Eric Clapton recently revealed that he had an unusual reaction to the coronavirus vaccine that affected his hands so badly he was concerned that he might never play again.
The Powers That Be don’t want negative reporting about any of the vaccines for the novel coronavirus, but if the reaction that Clapton suffered had been permanent, it would have taken down one of the greatest guitarists of all time. It would be difficult to hide that.
In a telegram post that Clapton wrote to Italian architect Robin Monotti Graziadei, he detailed the frightening reaction that he had after his second dose that caused numbness and burning in his hands and feet and had him worried that he might never be able to play guitar again.
He began the message by saying that he has survived addiction and alcoholism and had been critical of “elected leaders” since Brexit doubting their “integrity and character.” But when COVID-19 hit, he had hoped that the experts to lead the way through the pandemic would be “C Henegan, S Gupta and Jay B” an apparent reference to the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, a document signed by thousands of medical experts that were against large-scale lockdowns and preferred an approach called “Focused Protection.”
Despite Clapton’s vocal opposition to lockdowns, he chose to get the AstraZeneca vaccine because he was in the high-risk category for severe complications from COVID-19.
He wrote:
In February this year, before I learned about the nature of the vaccines, (and being 76 with ephezyma) I was in the avant garde. I took the first jab of AZ and straight away had severe reactions which lasted ten days, I recovered eventually and was told it would be twelve weeks before the second one…
About six weeks later I was offered and took the second AZ shot, but with a little more knowledge of the dangers. Needless to say the reactions were disastrous, my hands and feet were either frozen, numb or burning, and pretty much useless for two weeks, I feared I would never play again, (I suffer with peripheral neuropathy and should never have gone near the needle.) But the propaganda said the vaccine was safe for everyone….
The AstraZeneca vaccine has not been approved for use in the United States and several countries have “paused” the emergency use of the vaccine due to rare but sometimes life-threatening side-effects including a handful of cases of dangerous blood clots.
The side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine — which has not been approved yet for use in the U.S. — are described by the U.K. government as “mild to moderate in nature” and are expected to go away after a few days. The least common side effects include “abdominal pain, dizziness, loss in appetite, enlarged lymph nodes and excessive sweating, itchy skin or rash.” The government advises anyone who experiences novel side effects to talk to their doctor, pharmacist or nurse.
Clapton’s criticism toward the vaccine comes as little surprise. The former member of Derek and the Dominos and the Yardbirds has been a continued skeptic of COVID-19 regulations and notes in his letter that he found heroes in other anti-lockdown proponents such as MP Desmond Swayne and Jonathan Sumption.
Source: L.A. Times via Yahoo News
Clapton, 76, has been labeled a “conspiracy theorist” by some in the Corporate Media for his opposition to lockdowns.
Near the end he wrote, “I have been a rebel all my life, against tyranny and arrogant authority” and that he continues to “tread the path of passive rebellion and try to tow the line in order to be able to actively love my family, but it’s hard to bite my tongue with what I now know.” He also cited lyrics from Van Morrison’s “Where Have All The Rebels Gone?”
Graziadei posted Clapton’s message on Telegram after writing, “I just received this message from Eric Clapton, who some of you may know, in at least one case also in person. I think these words are very important so don’t want to add much to them but just to share them with you. Here they are:”