‘Good’ Catholic? Why Does Pelosi Think She Outranks An Archbishop?

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Officially, Nancy Pelosi is 3rd in line to the Presidency. Clearly, that has gone to her head.
Nancy Pelosi never seems to miss an opportunity to dress up her political partisanship in religious garb.
She ‘prays’ for Trump, don’t you know… and ‘definitely’ doesn’t hate him. She has a favorite text that she likes to cite from scripture, too. Except for the small detail that it doesn’t actually exist in scripture.
Pelosi Has Been Quoting A Favorite Bible Verse For Years, One Problem — It Doesn’t Exist
This is the same woman who once said it was ‘God’s will’ to end the US oil industry.
Nancy Pelosi, Famous Theologian, Has Thoughts About ‘God’s Will’ For America… And Oil
She plays a little fast and loose with Christian ideas. We do notice how they always seem to shoehorn neatly into her private political agendas. That seems a little, what’s the word? Convenient.
The Archbishop for her diocese had something to say about whether someone who is an aggressive proponent of expanded abortion should be allowed to participate in Communion.
Communion, for those unfamiliar, is very significant in the Christian tradition. (This is true in each of the major branches, not just Roman Catholicism.) It is, in essence, a ritual meal commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus where his sacrificial death in our place for our sins is brought to mind, and it is a moment of self-reflection in which we recommit our lives to living in a manner worthy of him who died for us.
Repentance from sin is part of the sacrament. Those people who live a life where they refuse to repent of known sin can be denied the right to participate at the Lord’s Table until such time as they are ready to do so.
This is part of church discipline, and fully within the scope or religious authorities. Nancy Pelosi’s own archbishop posted an open letter about communion and abortion.
“If you find that you are unwilling or unable to abandon your advocacy for abortion, you should not come forward to receive Holy Communion,” he said in a letter, according to Fox News.
“Please stop pretending that advocating for or practicing a grave moral evil — one that snuffs out an innocent human life, one that denies a fundamental human right — is somehow compatible with the Catholic faith. It is not. Please return home to the fullness of your Catholic faith. We await you with open arms to welcome you back.” —WJ
Now listen to ‘good catholic’ Nancy Pelosi weighing in on the Archbishop who chastised her position on abortion.
Last week, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone — Pelosi’s bishop — suggested that those who support abortion should be denied communion. In response, Pelosi said she can do whatever she wants.
“I think I can use my own judgment on that, but I’m pleased with what the Vatican put out on that subject,” she said when questioned by a reporter. —WJ
She’s misleading people into thinking the Vatican came up to defend Pelosi’s right to hold that position on abortion. That’s not really what’s going on. They just want bishops to come to a level of uniform agreement about the way forward when someone in Pelosi’s situation persists in a deeply objectionable public defense of sin (specifically abortion) while still insisting that she should be considered a Catholic in good stading.
According to Fox News, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is set to meet next month with plans to vote on communion guidelines. Some bishops have pushed to bar pro-abortion public officials from receiving the sacrament.
“The head of the Vatican’s doctrine office issued a warning to the conference to deliberate carefully to avoid sowing division,” Fox News reported. —WJ
Pelosi needs to swap out her Alinski for something more edifying. We have a suggestion.
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