Now The U.S. Army Is Going ‘Woke’ In New Recruitment Ad (VIDEO)

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Is this the image that we want the rest of the world to see?
Following in the footsteps of the CIA, the U.S. Army has decided that they’re going to focus on recruiting ads that make sure that minorities and the LGBT+ feel welcome in the military. In a new series of advertisements that are part of the Army’s “The Calling” recruitment campaign, they make sure to check off the identity boxes.
“The Calling” is a series of five videos featuring, David, a Pacific Islander who struggled in school; Janeen, a black singer who was from an Army family; Jennifer, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic; Rickie, a black immigrant from Haiti, and Emma, a white woman who was raised by a lesbian couple. There are no white men who had found their “calling” in the Army, apparently.
The U.S. Army has joined the woke parade in its latest recruitment ad that features an animated lesbian wedding and an LGBTQ pride parade.
The new ad is part of the Army’s ‘The Calling’ recruitment campaign that tells the stories of five diverse service members…
…Released on May 4, the two-minute recruitment video, centers on Corporal Emma Malonelord and her upbringing as she is raised by two moms. Malonelord is an actual Army corporal; her story is illustrated in the cartoon.
The young corporal also attends a gay rights parade and says she’s been defending freedom since a young age with her participation in the event.
Source: Daily Mail
Watch as Emma talks about being raised by lesbians, attends a gay pride parade as a child, participates in the wedding of her “moms”, and says that she’s hoping to “shatter some stereotypes”:
Wow. That was…something.
And we thought that the 2019 ‘What’s Your Warrior” Army recruitment ad was bad!
They’re no longer comparing military service to a video game, but they’ve literally made it into a cartoon, which is much, much worse.
Meanwhile, the People’s Liberation Army 2018 recruitment ad looked like this:
Now, let’s contrast how army recruitment videos look in China, Russia, and the United States:
Are you feeling embarrassed about the American ad after watching the other two? Don’t worry, you’re not alone — the vast majority of people in the comments feel the same way.
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Pussification: The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now: Pussification: The Effeminization Of The American Male