Dozens Of Ghislaine Maxwell’s Personal Documents To Be Unsealed — Did She Get Clinton Cash?

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The request for documents relating to Maxwell’s personal affairs included those regarding “funding received from the Clinton Global Initiative, the Clinton Foundation, and the Clinton Foundation Climate Change Initiative.”
Since November, Ghislaine Maxwell, alleged “madam” who procured underage girls to be abused and trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein, has been fighting for months to keep her personal records sealed. Her lawyers have argued that if the documents were made public, it would impact Maxwell’s right to a fair trial. Judge Loretta Preska disagreed, and dozens of documents will be released in the next two weeks.
It may prove to be an interesting trove of information. Among the documents requested include possible financial ties to the Clintons.
Maxwell lived in a $5 million mansion in NYC and rubbed shoulders with the rich elite around the world.
Virginia Roberts Giuffre, one of Epstein’s victims who was allegedly recruited by Maxwell has been trying to obtain Maxwell’s financial records in her defamation lawsuit after Maxwell called her a liar. Guiffre is the 17-year old girl in that famous photo with Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell in the background.
A judge has ruled that dozens more documents about Ghislaine Maxwell’s personal affairs should be made public, including some that could reveal more about her finances and her relationship to the Clintons.
Judge Loretta Preska said that unsealing the documents would not impact Maxwell’s right to a fair trial in November as her lawyers have claimed.
Among the documents which will be made public in two weeks’ time will be Maxwell’s efforts to quash requests from Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who sued Maxwell for defamation, to obtain her financial records…
…Giuffre’s lawyers sought Maxwell’s tax returns, balance sheets for companies Maxwell controlled and financial statements for companies she controlled among other materials.
One section reads: ‘From January 2012 to the present, produce all documents concerning any source of funding for the TarraMar Project (Maxwell’s nonprofit) or any other not-for-profit entities with which you are associated, including but not limited to, funding received from the Clinton Global Initiative, the Clinton Foundation (a/k/a William J. Clinton Foundation, a/k/a/ the Bill, Hilary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation),and the Clinton Foundation Climate Change Initiative’.
While it is unclear if the Clintons will come up in the documents which will be made public, there is considerable back and forth and dozens of documents on this subject that will be unsealed.
This should be quite interesting indeed. Maxwell is a British socialite and the youngest child of the late wealthy media mogul, Robert Maxwell. She moved to New York in 1991 — the same year that her father died — and lived off of a $100,000/year trust fund. Her father’s company was in significant debt when he died. Still, Ghislaine Maxwell quickly began to move about in high society and made connections with the rich and famous by attending charity galas and elite parties.
Politico reports that it was Maxwell who was the person that connects Jeffrey Epstein to the Clintons. She had befriended Chelsea Clinton and attended her wedding.
The Clintons have been trying to downplay the connection for years, but Bill has traveled dozens of times on Epstein’s private jet according to flight logs, and there have been claims that Bill and Ghislaine were having an affair.
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It’s also interesting because it would expose the scams that some of these philanthropic foundations by the über wealthy and powerful are.
It seems pretty clear that the Clinton Foundation was a slush fund for influence peddling, otherwise, why would donations suddenly dry up right after November 2016? Sure, maybe the WikiLeaks dump confirmed suspicions like the Clinton Foundation money that should have gone to Haiti after a devastating earthquake instead went to Chelsea’s lavish wedding. But a whole lot of people already thought that the Clintons were as crooked as the day is long before the WikiLeaks dump.
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Ghislaine Maxwell was the trustee of the philanthropic foundation, Max Foundation Tr, through which she donated to multiple charities. According to tax filings, the donations included $2,500 to the Clinton Library and Foundation in 2003, and (rather gruesomely) $350 to “Girls Educational & Mentoring Services a charity dedicated to ending the commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking of children and young women, as well as other small donations to various charities.
Maxwell also ran the TerraMar Project, an environmental non-profit that was focused on oceanic conservancy. It was founded in 2012 and abruptly shut down in 2019 days after Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest.
Also demanded for disclosure are “secret email accounts” that Maxwell attempted to hide from the court.
The judge also ruled that documents relating to a request from Giuffre for email accounts that Maxwell allegedly kept secret from the court should also be made public.
They could give an insight into powerful men who Maxwell knew, such and Prince Andrew of the British royal family…
…In a publicly available filing, they state: ‘Ms Giuffre is aware of two email addresses that appear to be the email addresses defendant used while Ms Giuffre was with defendant and Epstein, namely, from 2000 – 2002.
‘Defendant has denied that she used those accounts to communicate, but she has not disclosed the account she did use to communicate during that time, nor produce documents from it’.
Source: Daily Mail
No one really knows how Jeffrey Epstein became wealthy. Over the years it has been speculated that Epstein made his money by blackmailing the rich and powerful because he recorded them in compromising positions with underage girls, and that Maxwell knows all about the recordings. Perhaps some of these disclosures will shed some light on that as well.