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Poll Shows More Voters Want A Congressional Investigation Into 2020 BLM Riots Than Jan. 6 Probe

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Despite the hair-on-fire hysteria from Democrats and the Corporate Media hacks, it appears that voters are more concerned about the destructive and deadly BLM riots than the disgruntled January 6 crowd trespassing.

A new poll conducted by Rasmussen shows that more people support investigating the “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protests than Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s partisan January 6th Commission.

A new national telephone and online survey by the National Police Association and Rasmussen Reports finds that 66% of Likely U.S. Voters think Congress should investigate last year’s violent protests, in which more than 2,000 police officers suffered injuries in the line of duty. Twenty-one percent (21%) don’t think Congress should investigate last year’s protests, and 13% were not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The survey found strong voter support for law enforcement on issues ranging from display of the “Thin Blue Line” flag to prosecution of so-called “quality of life” crimes.

According to a study of 68 cities by the Major Cities Chiefs Association, in the summer of 2020, there were at least 574 protests that involved acts of violence, including assaults on police officers, looting and arson. The number of voters who want Congress to investigate last year’s violent protests is higher than the 49% who say they support House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s select committee investigation of the January 6 Capitol riot. Forty-two percent (42%) say they don’t support the January 6 investigation.

The survey was conducted July 16-18 of 996 likely voters. Interestingly, the results showed that the desire for a congressional investigation into the violent BLM protests crossed racial and party lines.

Majorities of every racial group and political affiliation support a congressional investigation of last year’s violent protests. Sixty-seven percent (67%) of whites, 64% of black voters, 66% of Hispanics and 62% of other minorities think Congress should investigate the 2020 riots in U.S. cities. Seventy-five percent (75%) of Republicans, 60% of Democrats and 63% of voters not affiliated with either major party say Congress should investigate last year’s violent protests.

Source: Rasmussen Reports

Democrats have been pushing for a partisan, witch-hunt-type investigation into the crowd of Trump supporters who were trespassing on federal property — a handful of whom caused some trouble on January 6. Democrats have labeled this an “insurrection” and said that it was “the biggest threat to democracy since the Civil War.” Of course, the “insurrection” on January 6 took a back seat when Republicans in red states — notably Georgia and Texas — decided to roll back lax pandemic voting rules and shore up election laws, Democrats then labeled that “the biggest threat to democracy since the Civil War” and “Jim Crow 2.0.”

While Democrats have taken a whole lot of time discussing how the January 6 riot has affected them so very deeply, they didn’t appear to show as much concern for the multiple riots all over the country caused by Black Lives Matter after the death of George Floyd. Night after night there was devastation in cities, attacks on police, looting, and burning down businesses already struggling to survive during lockdowns.

Democrats — including the President — have continued to refer to the “deadly January 6th insurrection” when the only individual who was killed as a result of the riot was Ashli Babbitt, who was shot by a still yet-to-be-identified member of the Capitol Hill Police. Meanwhile, many of the BLM riots have turned violent, sometimes resulting in the deaths of innocent protesters, retired police officer David Dorn, and a long list of atrocious attacks on police all over the country.

The poll was conducted by Rasmussen Reports and the National Police Association who said in a statement that it was the fault of elected officials for the BLM riots getting out of hand. Mayors and city councils reacted badly by limiting the police in their response which “sent a message to violent criminals” that breaking the law was acceptable.

When the mayors of cities in which violent riots took place in 2020 refused to let police immediately stop the crimes taking place, it sent a message to violent criminals across the nation that crimes will be allowed and criminals won’t be touched.

“Many elected officials of both parties and at all levels followed up, not by apologizing to their citizens for failing to uphold the law, but by accusing police officers of systemic racism, being in need of reform, reimagining and defunding” said spokesperson for the National Police Association, Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (Ret).

Of course, criminals noticed cops had been handcuffed, demoralized and diminished. Then they acted accordingly. For the last year violent crimes have increased nationally and the lack of support from politicians has resulted in the number of police officers declining into a short staffing recruitment and retention crisis.

Source: National Police Association

Other interesting notes from the survey include:

  • The majority, 76% of voters believe young people should be taught to comply with police rather than resist or flee arrest.
  • 68% think that refusing to prosecute trespassing, shoplifting, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, receiving stolen property, breaking and entering, resisting arrest and other “quality of life” crimes is likely to increase the commission of those crimes.
  • 65% believe President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris should meet with the family of St. Louis Police Capt. David Dorn, who was murdered in 2020 when he was protecting his friend’s business from looters, just as they did with the family of George Floyd.
  • 65% disagree with Black Lives Matter activists who claim that the U.S. flag and the pro-police “Thin Blue Line” flags are symbols of racism.
  • 63% of voters think participants in the nationwide 2020 rioting and looting should be criminally charged, as were those who took part in the January 6 Capitol riot.
  • 62% of voters believe that elected officials who downplay the nationwide 2020 rioting and looting deserve to be criticized, a number higher than the 51% who believe politicians deserve criticism for downplaying the January 6 Capitol riot.
  • 53% think Congress should award medals to the law enforcement agencies that defended their cities from violent looters and rioters in 2020 similar to the awards proposed by Nancy Pelosi for the Capitol Police.

Source: Rasmussen Reports

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker