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Crime & Conscience In America (According To Democrats)

If you object to fetal tissue used to develop COVID vaccines, you are a criminal.

If you believe the vaccines pose dire risks to public health, you are a criminal.

If you work for truth informing the public Planned Parenthood harvests and sells aborted baby parts (a felony), you are the criminal for exposing criminality.

If you go to the Capitol to protest a rigged election, you are a criminal.

If you stand opposed to cancel culture, political correctness and the entire woke movement, you are a criminal.

If you express doubt about the theory of man-made global warming, you’re a criminal.

If you support the 2nd Amendment, and the entirety of the Constitution, you are a criminal.

If you object to open borders, blanket amnesty, and illegal mass migrations, you are a heartless criminal, and a racist.

If you are a conservative, you’re a criminal.

If you are a Christian, you’re a criminal.

If you think Afghanistan is a Biden war crime, you are the criminal.

And informed Conscience is a crime in America today.

Allan Erickson

Allan Erickson---Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter, and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012.