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Gold Star Mom Invites Trump To Funeral … Blames Biden’s Blundering For Deaths

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If ordinary citizens are outraged at how amateurish and reckless Biden’s team has been in dropping the ball in how they cut and run out of Kabul… just imagine how this Gold Star mom must feel.

You may have heard the name Shana Chappell before. She’s the Gold Star mom who had her Facebook account go dark when she ripped Biden a new one when her son was among the thirteen killed in the bomb blast at Kabul’s civilian airport.

Shana Chappell, the mother of slain Marine Kareem Nikoui, has written a lengthy Facebook post in which she slammed President Joe Biden, saying he rolled his eyes at her and repeatedly looked at his watch.

She is one of several families of the 13 service members who died in Afghanistan to unload on the president.

…Chappell, of Norco, California, also wrote on Facebook that her Instagram page was disabled, although it appears to be back up.

Facebook, which runs Instagram, confirmed in a statement sent by email to Heavy that the Marine mom’s Instagram page was mistakenly deleted and then restored.

“We express our deepest condolences to Ms. Chappell and her family,” Facebook said. “Her tribute to her heroic son does not violate any of our policies. While the post was not removed, her account was incorrectly deleted, and we have since restored it.” — Heavy

Hard to imagine how someone might find rolling your eyes at someone, and checking your watch while the bodies of soldiers you sent off to die upsetting, is it Joe? Or has he actually convinced himself that Beau dying of cancer was pretty much the same thing as having suffered the loss of a child in combat?

Whatever the reason, the contemptible lack of leadership in the Afghanistan pullout was, to use her words, where she said Biden ‘turned your back on my son’ and for which ‘my son’s blood is on your hands’.

Joe promised that America wouldn’t leave anyone behind in an August interview. Now, it’s clear that we haven’t just left people behind, but Joe’s administration tried to take credit for the heroic rescue of people they themselves had left in the lurch.

Now that it’s time to lay the body of her son to rest, do you really think that the guy who spend his time checking his watch while the flag-draped caskets passed by is on the short list of invitees? Not bloody likely.

That doesn’t mean to say that she wouldn’t welcome the presence of someone who had served as Commander-in-Chief. She just doesn’t want the clown who’s screwing up the job right now.

In her most recent Facebook post, Chappell invited Trump to her son’s funeral.

“I would love if somehow my President (you, Mr. Trump) could be present,” Chappell wrote.

Later, on Instagram, Chappell announced that services for her son will be public. Nikoui’s funeral is scheduled for September 18, at Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California.

While Trump did not publicly RSVP to the funeral, he did repost Chappell’s Facebook post on his website, with a brief statement.

“Thank you Shana—our Country loves you and especially loves your beautiful boy, Kareem,” wrote Trump. —TheSun

Another part of his reply was posted here:

‘Shana, you are 100% correct. If I were President, your wonderful and beautiful son Kareem would be with you now, and so would the sons and daughters of others, including all of those who died in the vicious Kabul airport attack,’ Trump wrote.

‘Civilians should have been brought out first, along with our $85 billion of equipment, with the Military coming out very safely after all was clear. I love you, and I love Kareem,’ he added. —DailyMail

For all the times the press tripped over themselves to show when some public personality snubbed Trump and praised a Democrat, what are the odds that the public snubbing of Mr. ‘I carry a list of names of dead soldiers in my jacket pocket’ by a Gold Star mom will get even a moment’s coverage in the media?

Yeah, we didn’t think so either.

Joe isn’t just an empty suit. He’s got an empty head to go with it.

Check out Doug’s latest book, The Art of Joe: The Political Brilliance of President Biden. If you have left-leaning family members, workmates, or classmates, to buy several copies and place them in common areas. Make sure you have your video camera ready for when they pick it up and thumb through it because they will be triggered which will make for a great viral video to share across social media. Also, buy a couple for the GOP NeverTrumpers that you know. Finally, both the book’s cover and the epilogue, Notable Quotable Joe are worth the price of admission. We’ve included before and after Biden on Afghanistan. Jen Psaki will no likey this book, but you will. BTW, the book is 95% bereft of any content. Just like Biden’s head.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck