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WATCH: Unlike SOME In The GOP, LTC Allen West Isn’t Waving Any White Flags

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What’s the #1 problem with politicians who say they represent our side?

Simple. How many times have we elected someone with an (R) after their name, who knows all the right buzzwords and platitudes to put in their campaign ads, who can wax eloquent on why our side’s policies are good, and the other side’s policies are trouble… only to watch them buckle under the first sign of opposition?

The #1 problem is that too many are gutless and fold like a cheap tent.

LTC Allen West has already got a track record showing us he’s not the kind of guy to back down from a fight… he’s more of a ‘nail-your-colors-to-the-mast’ kind of guy.

Last night, when he joined Doug Giles and the Cigars & Sermons folks, he did something so many politicians wouldn’t have the guts to do… he joined the band in singing the chorus of a song that nicely sums up what makes this guy different than the ‘preemptive surrender’ clowns we keep sending to public office.

Too many politicians have an eagerness for the ‘tactical surrender’. It’s time for someone who’s someone with a will to win… and the ability to make it happen.

That’s why ClashDaily is happy to support Allen West in his run to replace Abbott as the GOP nominee for Governor of Texas.

Here are a few stories we’ve written about that effort…

WATCH: Never Surrender to Fear or Leftist Absurdities — LTC Allen West

Allen West Tells Tucker Carlson How He Would Secure The Texas Border And It Makes PERFECT Sense (VIDEO)

ALLEN WEST: Pledges To Defend Texas From Cartel ‘Invasion’ Using SPECIFIC Constitutional Powers

WATCH: Allen West Dropkicks Gov. Abbott’s Feckless Border Blather

Some people run from a fight. Not LTC West. He runs TO the battle, not from it.

If you’re interested in knowing more, or supporting his campaign you can get the deets at…

…his West4Texas campaign site.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck