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BREAKING: Chris Cuomo Suspended Indefinitely From CNN As His Role In Brother’s Scandals Is Scrutinized

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Chris Cuomo used his position at the news network to warn his brother of potential accusers and help the disgraced Governor and his staff navigate the scandal.

New York Attorney General Letitia James released a trove of documents on Monday that shows that the CNN anchor was very involved in helping his older brother navigate the numerous sexual assault allegations.

He used his connections at a news organization to pass on information to then-Governor Andrew Cuomo’s top aide, Melissa DeRosa, and the rest of the “Luv Gov”‘s team.

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Back in May, Cuomo issued a rather defensive public “apology” during which said that he recognized how being on calls with the Governor’s staff was a problem but insisted that he was trying to balance a unique situation.

The network continued to back Cuomo throughout the scandal, even though he admitted to playing a role because he “puts family first.”

Back in August, Cuomo told viewers of his show, “I never made calls to the press about my brother’s situation.”

In the trove of documents is a transcript of Chris Cuomo speaking with investigators that completely contradicts this claim.

Cuomo told investigators, “When asked, I would reach out to sources, other journalists, to see if they had heard of anybody else coming out.”

After the released text messages, and Cuomo’s role appears to be much more than was initially reported, CNN has suspended him indefinitely.

CNN has suspended Chris Cuomo, its biggest star, following the release of transcripts from the New York Attorney General’s office that showed that he was far more involved in efforts to assist his brother, Andrew M. Cuomo, the former governor of New York, as he faced multiple allegations of sexual harassment that eventually led to his resignation.

The network and its president, Jeff Zucker, had previously backed Cuomo for months, even as details accumulated about his role advising his brother. Chris Cuomo had apologized to his colleagues for breaching traditional journalistic boundaries and advising the governor, but had evidently not been fully forthcoming with his bosses about the extent of his role.

A CNN spokesman released a statement Tuesday evening saying that the documents released as part of the investigation “raise serious questions.”

“When Chris admitted to us that he had offered advice to his brother’s staff, he broke our rules and we acknowledged that publicly,” the statement read. “But we also appreciated the unique position he was in and understood his need to put family first and job second. However, these documents point to a greater level of involvement in his brother’s efforts than we previously knew. As a result, we have suspended Chris indefinitely, pending further evaluation.”
Source: Washington Post

Does this mean that Cuomo will be back after a few months after he’s spent sufficient time off-air to appear sorry?


It wouldn’t be the first time for the network.

Jeffrey Toobin, a legal analyst for CNN, was granted personal leave after he masturbated during a Zoom work call…

Internet Invents New Game Mocking Jeffrey Toobin — Who Exposed Himself During A Zoom Call At Work

…but he was back several months later. His return dealt directly with the reason he was gone in an awkward back and forth with Alysin Camerota.

Tootin’ his Toobin on Zoom wasn’t enough to boot that guy off of CNN permanently, so that might mean that we could see Chris back on the air again before the midterms.

If this is the death knell for his CNN show, however, it would be unfortunate.

Just like his brother, Andrew, who was booted out of office for acting like a creep around women while the Corporate Media ignored that he left a trail of thousands of elderly bodies who died unnecessarily due to his deadly nursing home order, there are so many better reasons for Chris to be fired…

He plays fast and loose with truth — even lying about his own COVID quarantine — he downplayed riots, he has a real anger management problem, and… frankly, he’s just not that bright. That’s why people call him “Fredo.”

But really, Chris should have been let go in March 2020 after the tasteless way that the Cuomo Bros were yucking it up on CNN when Javits and the USNS Comfort sat mostly empty as the China Virus ran rampant in nursing homes and thousands of the most vulnerable died.

The Cuomo Brothers are both awful, and what they’re guilty of doing is far worse than what the Corporate Media is willing to pin on them.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker