3 Yr Old ‘Unaccompanied Minor’ From Honduras Found Among Group Of Migrants Smuggled Across Rio Grande

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Border Patrol was able to contact the child’s mother because her phone number was written on the t-shirt that he was wearing.
The Daily Mail reports that a three-year-old boy from Honduras had traveled from Central America to Mexico and then smuggled across the Rio Grande into Texas, and was without parents or legal guardians.
The preschool child was with a group of 47 migrants that were smuggled into Havana, Texas on Sunday.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection said Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol officers assigned to the McAllen Border Patrol Station located the undocumented migrants around midnight Sunday in the border city of Havana.
The migrants informed the agents that they had come across the unaccompanied boy from Honduras.
Agents were not able to engage in a full conversation with the child, but he was able to utter ‘mamá’ and ‘papá’ before being taken to a nearby McAllen Border Patrol facility.
‘Agents discovered a phone number written on the child’s shirt,’ CBP said in statement. ‘Agents were able to contact the boy’s mother who confirmed the child to be a three-year-old citizen of Honduras.’
A spokesperson with Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol declined to comment to DailyMail.com on the whereabouts of the child’s mother.
Source: Daily Mail
This back door into the United States needs to be shut. While it’s unfair to legal immigrants — who often get forgotten by the Open Borders leftists — it’s especially unfair to the children who are being used by their parents as a free ticket into the U.S. for “a better life.”
None of these people are fleeing a warzone or retaliation from the Taliban like they were in Afghanistan. They’re economic migrants who just want to live in the “Land of the Free” that affords people great opportunities.
This “more humane” Biden-Harris border policy is incentivizing this sort of behavior, and it’s not actually humane.
- UNACCOMPANIED MINORS: How Biden’s Immigration Policy Is Incentivizing Family Separation
- WATCH: Former Acting DHS Secretary Under Trump Calls Biden’s Broken Border Policy ‘Inhumane’
Despite being absoluely awful at making sure children are safe, this administration continues to create even more incentives for parents to put their children at risk — the latest being the possibility of a big cash payment courtesy of the Biden-Harrris administration.
- Biden-Harris Admin Lost Track Of 45,000 Unaccompanied Minors That Crossed Illegally — Where’s The Outrage?
- Angry Joe Flip-Flops And Now Vigorously DEFENDS Payouts To Separated Illegal Migrant Families (VIDEO)
Do the results of the Biden-Harris “humane” border policy look humane to you?
- BIDEN’S BROKEN BORDER: Terrified 5 Yr Old Abandoned At Steps Away From U.S. Border (VIDEO)
- WATCH: Little Boy Abandoned Overnight In The Desert Cries As He Tells His Story To CBP
- BIDEN’S BROKEN BORDER: Five Girls Aged 11 Months To 7 Yrs Found Abandoned On Farmer’s Land In Texas (VIDEO)
- BIDEN’S BROKEN BORDER: Human Smugglers Drop 3-Yr Old And 5-Yr Old Over Border Wall And Run Away (VIDEO)
- Smugglers Toss 6mo Baby Into Rio Grande … But Texas Rangers Save Her Life
That looks like child abuse and neglect.
Sending children alone with strangers is behavior that we wouldn’t accept here. Parents in the U.S. who would willingly send their kids across state lines with human smugglers would have Child Protective Services involved immediately.
I’ve put forward a two-point suggestion on how this could end immediately here: Maybe We SHOULDN’T Reunite Children With Parents Who Send Them Across The Border Alone.
For the TL;DR crowed, let me sum up:
- Permanently ban parents from the United States if they send their “unaccompanied minors” across the border illegally with human smugglers. No visas, no asylum, no Visa lottery, no nothin’.
- Take away all of their parental rights and deem them “unfit parents.” They clearly willingly gave up these right when they abandoned their child to human smugglers and sent them across the border.
This “unaccompanied minor” B.S. would be over in a New York minute if someone had the chutzpah to actually propose those solutions.
But you know they won’t because they’ll be attacked by the bleeding hearts on the left and the Corporate Media hacks of being “racist” or “xenophobic” for trying to protect children from human smugglers.
Meanwhile, the bleeding heart leftists will continue to allow children to be abandoned by their parents and willingly given into the hands of human smuggling cartels that don’t care if they live or die. That’s apparently “humane” according to the left.
It’s sick.
How many thousands of children are being hurt by this?