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Pandemic Of The Triple-Vaxxed? 68 Hospital Workers Test Positive For The ‘Rona After Christmas Party

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Everyone in attendance had been vaccinated and either had a booster shot or provided a negative test.

On December 1, over 170 healthcare workers in Spain attended a Christmas meal which became a “super-spreader” event despite everyone in attendance having been at least double-jabbed.

More than 50 hospital workers in Spain have tested positive for COVID-19 after attending a Christmas meal, according to local media reports.

More than 170 health workers from the Intensive Care Unit of the Regional University Hospital of Málaga—located in the south of the country—attended the meal, with at least 68 people later testing positive for COVID-19, local media outlet Sur reported Monday, although health authorities had only confirmed 22 of these cases on Sunday.

All of the professionals had been fully vaccinated—including with booster shots. Most of the workers who tested positive are asymptomatic although in a few cases they have reported mild symptoms.

After the hospital became aware of COVID-19 infections following the meal, management proceeded to test everyone involved. Those workers who tested positive had to isolate for ten days and must not return to their jobs at the ICU until they obtain a negative result on a PCR test.
Source: Newsweek (Emphasis Added)

Carlos Bueno, a union delegate for the hospital from the Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT,) told local media outlet La Opinión de Málaga, “Although I know that those attending the celebration took measures, the virus is still there and you should not lower your guard.” Bueno said, “It is necessary to keep a distance, it is essential to use the mask indoors and it should be used in outdoor spaces where there is an agglomeration of people.”

Basically, the COVID paranoiacs are shouting, “No Christmas for you!”

Do you think that guy is going to forego his Christmas revelry because “the virus is still there” and everyone needs to remain vigilant? Do you think he’s going to be celebrating wearing 3 masks while ensuring he’s staying 6-feet away from everyone?

“What you have to do is take measures so that it does not happen again,” said Bueno.

And what would that be, exactly? The medical professionals that worked in the ICU were triple-vaxxed or were double-vaxxed and provided a negative antigen test before attendance.

Do they need to provide a urine test and full bloodwork before going to a Christmas dinner?!

Spain’s Prime Minister is warning people to be cautious because of the spread of the China Virus with a better than 99% recovery rate for most people under the age of 60.

Spain’s prime minister on Monday urged people to “remain prudent” about COVID-19 over the holidays, as Christmas festivities at one Spanish hospital are suspected of infecting dozens of staff.

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez told reporters that Spaniards can’t “let their guard down” because the coronavirus continues to spread, despite fewer cases and fewer difficulties for the health service than this time last year.
Source: CBS 17

While politicians and “public health experts” insist that mandatory membership to the Shot of the Month Club, constant testing, and vaccine passports are the way out of the pandemic, people who have received the jab continue to get infected and dispel that narrative.

The “vaccine passports” are a passport to nowhere when we know that the vaccines only work for a short period of time.

If that’s the case, perhaps continuing to push shots, boosters, and segregation isn’t actually going to get us out of the “new normal” and back to the “old normal.”

And yet… you know that’s not what’s going to happen because the “experts” can’t — or won’t — admit that “Virus gonna Virus” and that natural immunity is much better protection from variants than a vaccine that is tailored to the original virus’s spike protein.

Now, they’re fearmongering about Xi’s Omicron variant.

They’re doing this despite several weeks of data from South Africa showing that Xi’s Omicron is more transmissible but less severe than the Delta variant.

Honest medical experts will admit that we’ve got to learn to live with the virus while protecting the most vulnerable.

The vaccines certainly play a role in that regard, but disregarding natural immunity to push everyone to get vaccinated is ignoring a large segment of society walking around with antibodies.

We know how these sorts of pandemics generally play out…

Historically, most pandemics end within 2 to 3 years as the virus mutates into a less virulent pathogen and the population builds up immunity. This is what happened to the influenza strain behind the 1918 flu pandemic, and what many virologists hope will happen with the coronavirus — whether that happens with Omicron, a variant that appears to cause milder infections, or another future variant is unknown.
Source: Healthline

Meanwhile, under the guise of public health, every other health condition is taking a backseat to SARS-CoV-2.

It would be nice if we could return to sanity instead of fearmongering, but that’s not what many politicians, the Corporate Media, Big Pharma, and the Davos crowd want because they’re determined to “Build Back Better.”

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker