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Pelosi Strips COVID Relief From Massive Omnibus Spending Bill Dems Tried To Ram Through

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A massive 2,741-page Omnibus spending bill to the tune of $1.5 trillion was dropped on lawmakers overnight to be voted on today.

The huge spending bill includes aid for Ukraine, more COVID spending, an increase to domestic spending by 6.7% — up to an eye-watering $730 billion — largely for social programs, an “investment” of $11 billion to construct new affordable housing, as well as reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act that Biden has long championed. It’s part of the administration’s “Build Back Brandon Broke Better” plan. It’s also likely got a whole lot of pork in there, but no one knows exactly what because the bill is so damned huge.

Lawmakers only had a few hours to review the enormous document before voting on it.

It was being rushed through for a vote before government funding runs out on March 11 and ahead of the Democrats’ Party retreat scheduled for this weekend in Philadelphia.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is rushing to pass a 2,741-page funding measure Wednesday before Democrats set off to Pennsylvania for a party retreat, giving lawmakers less than 15 hours to comb through the legislation.

Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, unveiled the $1.5 trillion budget bill at 1:30 a.m. Wednesday before scheduling a mid-day vote for passage…

…Democrats contend the bill was negotiated with party leaders from the House and the Senate. They say a speedy timeline is needed to avert a government shutdown, as funding runs out on March 11.

“This bipartisan agreement will help us address many of the major challenges we face at home and abroad: from COVID-19, to the vicious and immoral attack on Ukraine, to the need to lower costs for hardworking American families,” Mrs. Pelosi said.

GOP lawmakers say, however, that House Democrats are jamming the bill through so as not to mess up a planned party retreat in Philadelphia this weekend.
Source: Washington Times

Is this the way that octogenarian Congresswoman Nancy “We’ve Got To Pass The Bill To Find Out What’s In It” Pelosi (D-CA) is handling her role as Speaker of the House?

Apparently so.

Republicans were none too pleased.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-FL) explained the situation in a short video.

So, no more amendments, no changes, no recourse, just vote.

Unfortunately for Speaker Pelosi, she needs bipartisan support for the monstrous spending bill, and Republicans were getting tired of writing blank checks for COVID relief. After GOP lawmakers made some hullabaloo about the COVID spending part, Democrats agreed to ditch that portion… for now.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., announced that the COVID-19 spending would be removed from the package after rank-and-file lawmakers objected that it would be paid for, in part, by cutting previously approved pandemic assistance to their states.

“We must proceed” with the government-wide $1.5 trillion legislation because of the urgency of helping Ukraine and the bill’s spending for other programs, Pelosi wrote in a letter to colleagues.

“It is heartbreaking to remove the COVID funding, and we must continue to fight for urgently needed COVID assistance, but unfortunately that will not be included in this bill,” she said.

While Democrats had insisted on including the pandemic money in the sprawling, bipartisan legislation, Republicans demanded it be paid for with cuts elsewhere. After hours of talks, Pelosi relented to Democratic lawmakers who were refusing to let the measure move forward unless the earlier funds their states were supposed to receive were protected.
Source: The Associated Press

Here’s Pelosi trying to spin the big “L” she’s taken in not ramming through the legislation with a slim Democrat majority in the House.

“It wasn’t in the dark of night,” says Pelosi of the announcement at 2:30 am that the vote was scheduled for midday.

Give me a break!

Democrats are desperate to get whatever they can get passed because they know they only have a few months left before they lose the House and — God willing — even the Senate as Americans grow increasingly frustrated with the incompetence coming out of the sound stage that pretends to be the Oval Office.

The way that Democrats are behaving, it seems that the “Red Wave” in November is inevitable. Of course, we can’t act like it is. Remember to get out there and support your GOP candidates and get the vote out. Otherwise, Democrats will just pull more of this kind of crap.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker