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CLAIM: 300,000 Unverified Votes Identified In Georgia’s 2020 Election

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A new complaint to Georgia State Election Board alleges that procedures weren’t properly followed and it resulted in over 300,000 unverified ballots.

The complaint was filed on March 28 by David Cross, who posts updates on election irregularities on his website Election Truth in Georgia, and investigative journalist Kevin Moncla. It is based on the records of Fulton County as well as open records requests and alleges that laws were broken in tabulating early votes in the county.

Just the News reports:

“Fulton County’s Advance Voting poll closing tapes are a fraudulent, un-certified, unsigned, and un-checked false representation of over 311,000 ballots that no court could legally accept,” the complaint alleges.

The December 2020 recount in Georgia determined that President Joe Biden won by just 11,779 votes over former President Donald Trump…

…The records request follows reporting by Just the News in December 2020 that memory cards had been prematurely removed from vote tabulating machines due to purportedly shrinking ballot storage limits.

The 2020 Presidential election was the first time that Georgia used Dominion voting machines and it turns out there were some problems with what was marketed and what was reality.

Just eight days before the election, Dominion Voting Systems issued a “customer advisory” that said that the ballot storage capacity of the flashcard in the tabulation machines was actually only 5,000 ballots and not the 10,000 that had been promised. They also suggested that the flashcards should be replaced at 3,000 ballots.

An official from Dominion explained the vast difference in capacity to “the amount of races that were on the November 2020 ballot and the large number of early voting polling sites that we have in Fulton County.”

Whatever was going on with the diminishing capacity of the tabulation machines was one thing, but coupled with that were laws and procedures for tabulating the ballots that were violated.

Despite having enough tabulators to count the ballots without removing flashcards, it appears that 109 flashcards were prematurely removed from tabulators leaving them open to manipulation.

Each flashcard is supposed to be used for only one specific tabulator and is not supposed to be removed until 7 p.m. on election night. Under state law, at least three copies of each poll tape with the total number of ballots stored on the flashcard must be printed, and three witnesses must sign each copy for verification or explain in writing why they will not.

There were 148 flashcards for early voting in the 2020 election in Fulton County. In response to the open records request, the county produced 138 poll tapes, 136 of which were not signed, meaning the identities of the persons who checked the ballot numbers are unknown.

The 136 poll tapes showed that the corresponding flashcards “were closed on 12 different ballot scanners,” in violation of state law, the complaint alleges.

Fulton County “removed the flashcards from 109 tabulators and closed them out on different machines, and it leaves them wide open — unsecure and open to manipulation,” Moncla told “Just the News, Not Noise” TV show Monday night. “If those flashcards were put into another machine, then we would never know it. They could have scanned — added additional votes, and we would have no idea.”
Source: Just The News (Emphasis added)

The March 28 complaint highlights three issues:

  1. Election records reveal that ballot scanners were being reprogrammed with new flashcards at various and wide-ranging ballot counts. There appears to be no correlation between the number of ballots scanned and replacing the flashcards. Certainly not anything consistent with the ballot count approaching the stated [5,000-count] threshold.
  2. Fulton County’s own records negate that the flashcard storage capacity is 5,000 ballot images. There are several Advance Voting ballot scanners that far exceed the given benchmark, the largest of which scanned 7,206 ballots. Ironically, the largest “Total Scanned” number of 7,206 was amassed by a ballot scanner after it had been reprogrammed, purportedly because it neared capacity.
  3. If capacity was the sincere concern which precipitated the flashcard replacement, why is it that after the cards were replaced, they were allowed to scan much larger numbers than those they replaced?

It took a year and a half after the election to expose these details.

When the lawsuits were filed in the wake of the 2020 election, were any of the courts told that procedures weren’t properly followed and that memory cards had been removed from machines leaving them ripe for fraud?

Many cases were dismissed because it was “too early”, but now it’s too late to address the issues that are a concern for the security of elections.

When are these lawsuits supposed to be filed?

One more question… is it still a “conspiracy theory” if there are real, identifiable problems with the security of elections in certain jurisdictions — notably, the battleground states and a particular county where a Dem-friendly Tech Bro dumped in a whole lot of cash to help “fortify” the election?

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker