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Liberals Succumb To The Information Iron Curtain

Liberals represent the mainstream media’s targets and are fed a constant diet of leftist propaganda. Most of them are clueless about U.S. or world affairs (most recently, WHO, China, Ukraine, and Cuba), and it has been this way not just for this past year, or for several years, but for decades.

The brunt of liberals have no idea about Biden’s outrageous blunders in the Middle East, or his abhorrent refusal to speak of FBI and DOJ corruption. Most have no idea how Biden enabled China to inexorably diminish U.S. power and influence while enhancing their own. Too many have zero understanding of how Biden’s dalliance with Iran threatens the world.

Living without a Clue

It is said that ignorance is bliss, but I don’t think so. Liberals have no clue as to the Biden crime family’s vast and blatant offenses against America. Most have less than scattershot knowledge of how Joe Biden personally enriched himself by literally selling out the American worker. Many have no knowledge of Hunter Biden’s continuing nefarious activities with Ukraine, Russia, and elsewhere. That Hunter Biden’s incriminating laptop, with U.S. security breaches galore, is real is unknown to the liberal masses.

Many liberals have no idea that Joe Biden’s picks for various cabinet posts and other top positions were precarious at best, and that the credentials of the people he nominated were highly questionable, even among Democrat congressional representatives and senators.

Only when you visit alternative news site on the internet, those not dominated by “progressive Leftists,” do you see that Joe Biden, or more specifically, his handlers, are making a highly regrettable mess domestically and internationally.

One shudders to think what will happen to our country and to the world if he and his utterly incompetent vice president remain in office for another terrifying 31 months.

“Woke” and Brainwashed

A poll of Democrats in 2021 proved to be illuminating. When asked what their number one concern was, unquestionably it was “Trump voters.” Thus, despite all the vital events occurring here and abroad, the Leftist media machine has so utterly brainwashed their readership that these poor souls believe that somehow someway, Trump voters are the biggest problem confronting the country, followed by white nationalism, and systemic racism.

The poll signifies how utterly brainwashed Democrats are, but we already understand that this group has been brainwashed for eons. It is not entirely surprising that Trump voters, continually demonized over months and even years, are seen as the nation’s number one concern.

In mid-2022, for such an intellectual and informational chasm to exist is a curious development for sociologists to study for years to come. How, in a world with the greatest information delivery machine that humankind has ever known — the Internet — can half of the populace be so utterly ignorant? The answer, seemingly, is that an “Information Iron Curtain” has descended upon them.

Clueless and Cloistered

While they are free to click on any news sites and gain perspectives that cannot otherwise be gleaned from the sites they patronize each day, they never do. The irony is that they are seconds away from gaining some semblance of objectivity.

Those on the right have no choice but to be exposed to the news and views of the Left all day long, every day, week in and week out, because the mainstream media dominates discourse in our society. We know what liberals are being told, and we know what conservatives are being told.

Dominated by Facebook, Google, and Twitter online, and major newspapers in print, Liberals have little to no idea about conservatives, what they read and think, because the news and opinions to which liberals are exposed about conservatives arrive through the stringent and sordid filter of the mainstream media and information machine. And make no mistake, the mainstream media has no intention, ever, of offering a balanced perspective.

Righteous, and Wrong

Too many on the left listen to only the first couple seconds of a broadcast, read only the headlines or the captions in a news article, surf the same old websites, shallow full bore whatever they see on Google or Facebook, and converse only with one another. They blissfully, arrogantly proceed throughout their day confident in the knowledge that they know exactly what’s going on. As such, they “know” that Trump voters and their views are evil and need to be purged.

Author George Orwell called it accurately in his classic book, 1984, when he described how newspeak -– propagandist verbiage characterized by circumlocution, euphemism, and the inversion of customary meanings -– dominated public discourse.

For now, newspeak dominates only among the people who won’t look any further. The rest of us? We will continue to read multiple sources, ferret out what’s actually happening, separate the wheat from the chaff, ignore stories that rely on anonymous sources and alleged spokespersons, and strive to learn what is true.

Jeff Davidson

Jeff Davidson is "The Work-Life Balance Expert®" and the premier thought leader on work-life balance, integration, and harmony. Jeff speaks to organizations that seek to enhance their overall productivity by improving the effectiveness of their people.