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WATCH: Gator Vs. Bro With Frying Pan … Who Wins This Round?

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Cue the old cowboy talk about towns ‘not being big enough for the two of us’, but instead of main street at high noon, this looks more like a campsite at dinner time.

When a gator walks up with dinner plans of his own, this bro grabs whatever he’s got close at hand and stands his ground.

In this case, ‘close at hand’ happened to be a frying pan. Not ideal, but hey, it’s better than nothing.

With the gator poised to strike, this bro takes his shot. We’ll let the video speak for itself.

The gator learned a valuable lesson that day — do NOT come between a man and his dinner.

Finding this story led to a little bit of bonus content.

Someone in the comment section replied with a video of these hilarious fishermen reeling in a catch. Someone else took an interest in the fish they were bringing in, but the fisherman wasn’t having any of it.

Make sure your sound is on for this one for sure.

This writer just about died laughing when the guy on-screen said, ‘dirty crocodile boi’.

Check out ClashRadio for more wit and wisdom from ClashDaily’s Big Dawg. While you’re at it, here’s his latest book:

If Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’, Call Jesus Radioactive

Much of the Left loathes masculinity and they love to paint Jesus as a non-offensive bearded woman who endorses their agenda. This book blows that nonsense all to hell. From the stonking laptop of bestselling author, Doug Giles, comes a new book that focuses on Jesus’ overt masculine traits like no other books have heretofore. It’s informative, bold, hilarious, and scary. Giles has concluded, after many years of scouring the scripture that, If Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’, Call Jesus Radioactive. 

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck