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WATCH: Kari Lake DESTROYS Activist Journo In 90 Seconds

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The GOP Gubernatorial candidate could teach a masterclass in humiliating journos.

ClashDaily has done a handful of reports on Kari Lake in the past couple of years:

Let’s face it, despite the great branding and the Trump endorsement, the former journalist-turned-aspiring politician is a polarizing figure… even among right-wingers.

But there’s one thing you’ve got to give Lake credit for — she really knows how to verbally dropkick the leftist hacks in the Regime Media.

At a recent campaign event, she just absolutely destroyed a journalist who asked her about her insistence that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen.

She’s right, too.

The RNC Twitter account posted this helpful video for journalists with the memory of a goldfish that think questioning the results of an election is a thing that only Trump supporters do.

But that’s not the only time that she’s been right about journalists working as cheerleaders for one side while vilifying the other. She’s been pretty up-front that she hates that since she launched her campaign.

Kari Lake doesn’t shy away from confronting (or mocking) journalists.

Here she is a couple of months ago in an exchange with a CNN reporter asking for an interview.

Here she is explaining why Republicans don’t want to give interviews that allow activist journos to write hit-pieces on them.

Back in 2021, Lake explained in a Prager U video how media manipulation works.

She knows her stuff, and her handling of the activist left-wing media is a sight to behold.

I know that some conservatives don’t like Lake’s use of “BDE” to describe former President Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, but she’s right about that swagger and she’s got some of that, too.

It’s probably pretty fair to call her a “badass.”

Biblical Badasses: The Women

In Doug Giles’ latest book, Biblical Badasses: The Women, Giles spotlights ten epic ladies who did awesome things for God with the odds severely stacked against them. These girls weren’t your typical church ladies. They were holy movers and shakers who upset hell with their God-honoring, faith-filled, lives. Giles’ unique take on these terrific women makes the scripture come alive. This book is real, raw, relevant, and irreverent. Giles’ prayer is that after reading, Biblical Badasses: The Women, not only will your noggin be filled with these amazing tales of high and lows from real women who rocked in a hard place, via the power of God, but that you will get off your butt, quit pursuing stupidity, start chasing down your high calling and at the end of your life, you too, like the holy femme fatales featured herein, will have left a massive scar on Satan’s haggard backside.

Get your copy of Biblical Badasses: The Women today!

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker