Hurricane Ian Reveals A ‘Shocking’ New Problem With The Left’s Beloved Sparky Cars

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As more people buy them, we are learning that certain hazards are unique to electric vehicles that require special responses.
This is exactly the sort of issue that activists pushing a total transition to electric vehicles will NOT be talking about. But it’s a relevant data point that must be considered if citizens will be making decisions in their own best interest.
Sparky cars have special problems with water and fire that are different from the problems other cars would have in the same situation.
When a traditional car starts to burn, our firefighters know exactly what to do about it. You get in there, put out the fire, and call for the specialists to look after the mess that’s been left behind.
Sparky cars aren’t so simple.
For one thing, it’s a different kind of fire. Unlike a fire composed of hydrocarbons (like gasoline) that can be put out through tradaditional methods, the problem with electric vehicles is not the gas tank but the battery.
When an electic battery starts to go up in flames, you’ve got a whole other situation, as Jimmy Patronis Florida’s chief financial officer and state fire marshal, demonstrated on social media.
It takes special training and understanding of EVs to ensure these fires are put out quickly and safely. Thanks to @NCFRPio for their hard work. #Hurricanelan
— Jimmy Patronis (@JimmyPatronis) October 6, 2022
At a time when first responders are already stretched to breaking in dealing with the aftermath of hurricane damage, we’ve got a new problem for them to deal with — fires that refuse to go out.
This has the unfortunate consequence of keeping firefighters busy for hours tending to one fire making those first responders unavailable other emergencies that might arise in the meantime.
Notice in particular what he says about the question of ‘scale’.
As the Sunshine State recovers from the punishing Category 4 storm that made landfall last week, first responders have faced further destruction from electric vehicles that were submerged in water from the extensive flooding and later caught fire, Jimmy Patronis, Florida’s chief financial officer and state fire marshal, said on Twitter.
“There’s a ton of EVs disabled from Ian,” he tweeted. “As those batteries corrode, fires start.
“That’s a new challenge that our firefighters haven’t faced before. At least on this kind of scale.” — NYPost
Right now there’s only a small percentage of car owners running on electrical. What happens to a hurricane zone (or other area with flooding) if the majority of vehicles have converted to electrical power?
How many fires will we have to deal with? What happens if there aren’t enough batteries to replace all the broken-down vehicles? Demand for batteries is already exceeding supply, after all.
What does this mean for insurance? And how many garages or homes could go up in flames as a result of this?
These are hardly hypothetical questions. We’ve already got a situation where some European cities have turned their backs on electric vehicles for their own vehicle fleets. It may have had something to do with stories like these:
Hey Gaia-Worshippers: Another Electric Bus Depot Just Exploded Into Flames… Is That News?
HEY TREE-HUGGERS: Before You Get TOO Excited About Your Shiny New Electric Busses… Read THIS
But for all the talk about battery powered cars being ‘green’ energy, and better for you, (a very doubtful claim when you factor in mining, manufacture, and disposal), they have very little to say about the dangerous gasses thrown off when these batteries burn.
Joe Biden loves to talk about the burn pits that likely caused the cancer that killed his son, but never mentioned how a chunk of California had to hide in their homes with their windows closed when a ‘green’ battery caught fire.
Maybe it’s time he did:
A Tesla Megapack lithium battery power unit caught fire Tuesday at the massive Moss Landing energy storage facility, shutting down nearby Highway 1 and triggering a shelter in place order for nearby residents.
PG&E told Bloomberg Business News that firefighters were battling to keep the blaze from spreading. As a precaution, the battery storage facility in Monterey County has been disconnected from the state power grid. –CBS
These are precisely the kind of massive battery plants that so-called ‘Green Energy’ proponents tell us we need to build more of to compensate and provide a stable baseload of power for the when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine. — CBS
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