SWEPT UNDER THE RUG: Shocking Abortion-Gone-Wrong Horror Stories — Dead Women, Live Births In 2022

Planned Parenthood itself accounted for about 40% of apparent violations reported to authorities and law enforcement by watchdog group Voices for Life.
The Federalist has acquired records with some damning information about abortions-gone-wrong that have NOT been properly reported by authorities in Indiana.
Three women undergoing abortion procedures in Indiana have died in 2022 alone. Two babies were born alive after surviving a chemical abortion. (Eg. the abortion pill currently being discussed in the courts.)
Even more concerning are allegations that four girls under 15 did not have their abortions reported for state abuse investigations per state law, including one girl who was just 13 years old.
The Indiana Department of Health receives legally mandated Terminated Pregnancy Reports on each abortion committed in the state. More than 100 of these from January to November 2022 indicate that abortion facilities in the state may have committed crimes and health violations, according to recordkeeping from Voices for Life, a Hoosier pro-life organization.
IDH has shut down no abortion facilities since January 2022, however, even facilities where records show women died after abortions. As for the 22 abortionists named in these numerous recent reports indicating potential medical malfeasance, “I am not aware of any doctors who have lost their licenses,” Voices for Life Executive Director Melanie Garcia Lyon told The Federalist Wednesday. –The Federalist
Rather than facing negative consequences for such infractions, they have seemingly been rewarded. The state is giving funding increases.
The detailed and lengthy article covers the incidents here described. But since the shout your abortion crowd invoke nightmare scenarios of women dying in back alley abortions (a number cited in Roe V Wade that was later admitted to be a fiction by the people who used it) it is worth looking at the other side of the picture, where the supposedly legal and supposedly ‘safe’ alternative has a body count of its own.
According to three TPRs from 2022, three women died in Indiana after abortions at facilities overseen by the Indiana Department of Health. At the Indianapolis Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Hospital, a 31-year-old married woman died after an abortion on June 25, 2022, says one TPR.
The record says she was given abortion pills when her baby was 21 weeks of gestation, an age at which babies can survive outside the womb in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The baby was diagnosed via ultrasound with a chromosomal anomaly, says the record, which IDH received on July 22, 2022. The physician committing this abortion was listed as Amy Caldwell in the report.
Caldwell was also the abortionist listed on the April 24, 2022 report of another Hoosier woman who died after an abortion at Planned Parenthood-Georgetown in Indianapolis. The 29-year-old unmarried woman was given abortion drugs to kill a 7-week-old baby, say the state records. — TheFederalist
According to the watchdog’s reporting, abortion drugs killed her.
Is it so unreasonable that people might object to drugs that can — and have — killed people being available by mail-order?
In Doug Giles’ latest book, Biblical Badasses: The Women, Giles spotlights ten epic ladies who did awesome things for God with the odds severely stacked against them. These girls weren’t your typical church ladies. They were holy movers and shakers who upset hell with their God-honoring, faith-filled, lives. Giles’ unique take on these terrific women makes the scripture come alive. This book is real, raw, relevant, and irreverent. Giles’ prayer is that after reading, Biblical Badasses: The Women, not only will your noggin be filled with these amazing tales of high and lows from real women who rocked in a hard place, via the power of God, but that you will get off your butt, quit pursuing stupidity, start chasing down your high calling and at the end of your life, you too, like the holy femme fatales featured herein, will have left a massive scar on Satan’s haggard backside.
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