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WOKE & BROKE: Disney Is STILL Getting Crushed In The Markets — Hits New Low

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Disney has chosen to take a leading role in the culture war, aggressively alienating half of America in the process. That decision is costing them.

The happiest place on earth is facing real-world consequences of their decisions. It’s showing up in a new 9-year low in the markets.

Instead of churning out beloved films that follow a proven formula, Disney has been poking long-time fans in the eye with a stick, by making deliberate choices to push a politicized message in their films. It seems there has to be a storyline or casting decision pushing the secular left’s priorities about race and sex in almost any project now.

That lines up perfectly with how they went to war with DeSantis over Florida’s curriculum changes officially called ‘Parental Rights in Education law; and wrongly dubbed ‘don’t say gay’. In that legislation, no instruction of any sort touching on topics of sexuality would be given to students from kindergarten through to 3rd grade.

The deliberate alienation of half of America’s audience is catching up to them in Biden’s economy. The Disney streaming service just is no longer a priority for many people looking to cut costs.

Disney, which became a symbol for wokeism after protesting Florida’s parental rights law in March 2022, hit a stock price low of $83.53 on Monday.

The company’s market cap has fallen from $350.09 billion on March 22, 2022, to $154.04 billion. That’s a decline of $196.05 billion — or a 56% drop in market cap.

Earlier this month, Disney missed Wall Street’s expectations for quarterly revenue.– NewsMax

The company has tried to stop the bleeding with streaming price hikes and layoffs of some 7,000 people since March. But if they were looking to profits from Blockbuster hits to help bolster their bottom line, they’re going to be sorely disappointed.

Their last 8 movie releases are some $900 million in the red. Guardians of the Galaxy and Little Mermaid are included in that list.

That number could get far worse depending on how the public responds to an activist re-imagining of the original Snow White story. Initial reactions to casting decisions have already shown signs of strong pushback.

Will Disney be one of the first corporate examples of the woke mind-virus actually killing its host?

We’ll know soon enough.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck