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Canada Rolls Out First Nationally Accredited Program For How To Kill A Patient

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It wasn’t all that long ago that if a doctor killed a patient, that was possible grounds for a malpractice suit. But now? Now, it’s listed right there on the menu of available procedures.

This was one of the promises that Trudeau very gladly announced near the beginning of his time in office.

Now that health care professionals have been numbed to the initial abject horror of actively Kvorkian-ing their own patients we have moved onto the next step: formalizing and standardizing it as an official medical practice.

Much the same way we once did with abortion a few short generations ago.

Now Canadian doctors and nurses have performed enough government-sanctioned-homicides ‘medically assisted dying’ that they have been able to establish some ‘best practices’ for efficiencies in the assembly-line killing of human beings.

Canada has released its first nationally accredited training program in medical assistance in dying (MAiD) aimed at licensed physicians and nurse practitioners. This follows concerns about the rising prevalence of MAiD in certain regions and its recommendation for “mature minors.”

The curriculum was developed by the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers (CAMAP), Health Canada said in a Sept. 13 press release. CAMAP is a B.C.-based NGO established in 2016 after the federal MAiD legislation was enacted that year. The organization said on its website that it was created to address the need to “establish training resources, to create medical standards, and to encourage the standardization of care across the country.”
The curriculum is accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the College of Family Physicians of Canada. It consists of eight topics, including the procedures for conducting a MAID assessment and dealing with MAiD for individuals with mental disorders. — EpochTimes

The program is designed to address some of the complicated issues that come along with Trudeau’s government expanding the scope of the problem to include people who want to die for reasons that go beyond the mere final illness considerations.

As it stands, there have been documented cases of Canadians pulling the trigger because they were unable to pay their bills on the budget their assisted living allowances provided, and other instances where people who had no interest in suicide were offered the option of ending it all — including military veterans with disabilities.

Needless to say, that raised objections.

But no story about Canada’s Medical Aid in Dying program would be complete without reminding the readers that this practice tracks uncomfortably close to how a certain European nation rushed their disabled patients to a date with oblivion… which later became the blueprint for a far more infamous systematic killing of undesirable civilians.

That story is detailed under the ‘dark history we’ve all forgotten’ heading in this story: Canada’s MAiD Death Cult Adds New Wrinkle: Financial Entanglements

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck