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From The Front Line Of The ‘Million March For Children’ Against Gender Ideology In Schools

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NOTE: This article may include commentary reflecting the author’s position.
Parents across Canada protested gender ideology in classrooms. Here’s what happened in the nation’s capital, Ottawa.

First, you should know that it was a massive crowd. Thousands showed up to oppose gender ideology in schools.

Protesters mostly chanted “No more silence” and “Leave the kids alone” as they marched.

The Mayor of Ottawa, Mark Sutcliffe condemned the protest by parents.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined in to smear the protest as “hate.”

I had a little trouble with my camera early on in the protest (of course it would happen today!), but there were a number of independent journalists there.

True North journalist Élie Cantin-Nantel captured some great video.

Before the march started, I got a fantastic photo of Mennonite women with Muslim women standing side by side on this issue.

And that was it — the crowd was diverse. There were Muslims, Christians, people that took part in the Trucker protest, a number of Indigenous people, libertarians, feminists, and LGB activists opposed to the TQ (Trans and Queer) addition to the acronym.

I did manage to get a pretty good shots of the crowd from the middle of the march.

From where I was, I couldn’t seen the end of the march, and could barely see the front.

Canadian news organizations are reporting that some of the counter-protesters outnumbered the protesters. That was certainly not the case in Ottawa.

Besides, the counter-protest side was bolstered by unions and far-left politicians.

Pastor Henry Hildebrandt, a Mennonite minister who kept his church open during COVID and was targeted by the government for it, shouted at the leader of Canada’s far-left party who stood on the side of the gender ideologues.

Once it hit noon, the union members bolted and what was left was a sad crowd of maybe a dozen protesters encircled by police that outnumbered them.

That same sad little group started chanting what certainly sounded like “Off yourself” to my Clash colleague K. Walker…

Others claim that Trantifa is chanting “Love Yourself.” I think K’s right on this one, but I can’t say for certain.

The biased Canadian Media isn’t much different from the media south of the border — the lies aren’t just what they say, but also what isn’t reported.

CTV Ottawa’s headline stated that two people were arrested for “inciting hatred” and one for “causing a disturbance.

What they’re not reporting is that one of the people taken into custody appears to have been a counter-protester harassing Muslim protesters who just brushed off the heckling.

We know that because of citizen journalists.

All in all, it appears to have been a successful event, and that was only one of many all over Canada.

Parents, grandparents, students, and concerned citizens of all stripes came together to oppose gender ideology in classrooms. This is what swung things for Glenn Youngkin in Virginia’s gubernatorial race, and let’s pray that it happens here in Canada!

Sir John, Eh!

Sir John, Eh! is ClashDaily's anonymous Canadian Correspondent who brings the Canuck perspective while reporting on what's going on in Justin Trudeau's woketopia.