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REPORT: Fauci Was Secretly Smuggled Into CIA HQ To ‘Influence’ COVID Origins Investigation

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Spooks brought in the guy trying to quash the lab leak theory to steer the investigation into the origins of the pandemic. Yeah, this is a big deal.

The newly released information comes from the Chair of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH).

It’s been known for over a year that Dr. Anthony Fauci, who held a major role in the Trump administration’s Coronavirus Task Force, had been working behind the scenes to put a kibosh on the lab leak theory.

It could be because he didn’t want too much scrutiny on the gain-of-function research going on in Wuhan and where the funding may have come from.

Ever since Elon Musk bought Twitter, there have been damning stories about the Feds attempting to coerce social media platforms into controlling speech online — especially related to the pandemic…

…and now, it would seem that the two have merged.

It looks as though one of the federal alphabet agencies brought in Fauci on the sly to control the narrative around the origin of the virus that upended the globe in 2020, 2021, and in some places 2022 to the present.

From the New York Post:

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), the head of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, revealed what he called “concerning information” obtained by his panel in a letter sent to the inspector general of the ​​Department of Health and Human Services on Tuesday, arguing that it “lends credence to heightened concerns about the promotion of a false COVID-19 origins narrative by multiple federal government agencies.”
“The information provided suggests that Dr. Fauci was escorted into Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Headquarters — without a record of entry — and participated in the analysis to ‘influence’ the Agency’s review,” Wenstrup said. “Our goal is to ensure the scientific investigative process regarding the origins of COVID-19 was fair, impartial, and free of alternative influence.”

Jesse Watters explains:

The CIA is denying the claim, but… it’s the CIA. Of course they’d deny it.

This news comes a couple of weeks after a high-ranking CIA officer came forward as a whistleblower alleging that the CIA was offering financial incentives to the team investigating the origins of COVID to change their position that the virus spread due to a lab leak in Wuhan.

A CIA whistleblower told Congress that the agency offered officials on a team investigating COVID-19 origins “significant monetary incentive” to change their positions, from that it originated out of a leak from the Wuhan lab to “unable to determine” the origins, Fox News Digital has learned…
…The whistleblower told Congress that the CIA assigned seven officers to a COVID Discovery Team, which consisted of “multi-disciplinary and experienced officers with significant scientific expertise.”
“According to the whistleblower, at the end of its review, six of the seven members of the Team believed that intelligence and science were sufficient to make a low confidence assessment that COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China,” Wenstrup and Turner wrote.
“The seventh member of the Team, who also happened to be the most senior, was the one officer to believe COVID-19 originated through zoonosis.”
“The whistleblower further contends that to come to the eventual public determination of uncertainty, the other six members were given a significant monetary incentive to change their position,” they said.
Source: Fox News

To reiterate, this is a very big problem.

Trust in our institutions has been undermined by the actions of those institutions and many Americans just don’t trust them anymore. From the FBI targeting pro-lifers for violations of the FACE Act and calling concerned parents “domestic terrorists” to the CDC downplaying the risk of myocarditis in young men from the mRNA shots to the origin of the pandemic itself, what can we trust?

Maybe the three letter agencies should just all change their names to “CYA” because that’s what they appear to be most concerned with.

Check out our ClashDaily Store EXCLUSIVE “I Stand Against White Coat Supremacy” tee featuring the one and only Dr. Anthony Fauci.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker