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Biden Admin Posts, Then Deletes Photo Of Special Forces Team Working To Rescue Hostages From Hamas

Question: How does this kind of thing happen? Answer: Unfathomable incompetence.

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NOTE: This article may include commentary reflecting the author’s position.

The White House is so keen to prove that President Biden is actually doing his job and that he’s not just The Swamp’s dementia-addled front-man, that they’re posting photos of him where he looks (at least somewhat) alive on a regular basis to social media.

This is, perhaps to act as a counter-balance to the news clips of the President attempting (and often failing) to speak coherently.

But in their rush to make Biden look good on Instagram on Thursday, the White House communications team accidentally outed the identity of several members of Delta Force special ops who are working with Israel to rescue the hostages held by Hamas. Oops.

The Biden administration admitted Thursday that it had accidentally outed the identities of several US special operators working to help Israel find and rescue hostages taken by Hamas terrorists.
In one of the more egregious examples of the old adage, “loose lips sink ships,” the White House posted a photo to its official Instagram account of President Biden shaking the hand of a member of the Army’s elite counter terrorism unit.
Along with the service member Biden was greeting, the faces of three other Delta Force fighters could be seen in the photo.
The soldier shaking hands with Biden also revealed a distinctive set of tattoos on his right arm.
Source: New York Post

Because of safety concerns, photos of Special Ops units are rare, and when they are published, faces and identifying marks like tattoos are deliberately blurred out or not included.

The post was up for about an hour on the White House Instagram account before it was taken down. It had already had over 6,100 likes according to a screenshot shared on social media.

Human Events editor Jack Posobiec was one of the first to notice.

It was later shared all over social media by right-leaning journalists.

“As soon as this was brought to our attention, we immediately deleted the photo,” a Representative from the White House told the New York Post. “We regret the error and any issues this may have caused.”

The “issue” could be that Hamas now knows who some of these individuals are and could retaliate against them.

Great work, White House! Y’all are just doing a bang-up job in that whole “return to normalcy” thing.

Check out Doug’s latest book, The Art of Joe: The Political Brilliance of President Biden. If you have left-leaning family members, workmates, or classmates, buy several copies and place them in common areas. Make sure you have your video camera ready for when they pick it up and thumb through it because they will be triggered which will make for a great viral video to share across social media. Also, buy a couple for the GOP NeverTrumpers that you know. Finally, both the book’s cover and the epilogue, Notable Quotable Joe are worth the price of admission. We’ve included before and after Biden on Afghanistan. Jen Psaki will no likey this book, but you will. BTW, the book is 95% bereft of any content. Just like Biden’s head.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker