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Getting In The ‘Zone’

Some people call it being on a roll. Some call it “being in the zone.” The “zone” has been described as a short-term, highly productive state. Regardless of what you call it, it is useful to know how to benefit from the productivity surge that you experience when in the “zone.”

Here is an approach to getting in the zone and to creating an environment in which you do your best work:

1. Recall a time when you were highly productive:
Where were you?
What time of day was it?
Was anyone else around?
What was the temperature?
What was the lighting?
What resources were available?

2. Think about yourself at that time:
What were you wearing?
What did you consume the night before?
How long did you sleep the night before?
How did you feel?
What was your level of fitness?
What did you eat that morning?

3. What about the time of day and week:
What time of day was it?
What day of the week was it?
What had transpired earlier?
What was forthcoming?

4. Consider the tools available to you:
Were you using a computer, tablet, or smartphone?
Were you using other equipment?
Did you have a pen or pencil?
Did you have a blank pad?
Were you online?
Were other resources available?
Were periodicals, books, or directories present?

5. Consider your environment:
Did you have a view?
Were you in a comfortable chair?
Were you at a desk or at a table?
Were you in a moving vehicle, i.e., a plane or a train?
Was there quiet or soothing background noise?
What color were the walls surrounding you?
Were you in a room with rugs?
Could you hear others?
Was water nearby?
Were you near the bathrooms?
Were you near the coffee machine?

As you recall a situation when you were in the zone, circle each item above that was present or was a factor at this time. New insights might emerge.

Next, recall a second such time and run through each of the questions above once again. What items have now been marked or circled twice? Soon, your own personal pattern on the road to high productivity will emerge.

Jeff Davidson

Jeff Davidson is "The Work-Life Balance Expert®" and the premier thought leader on work-life balance, integration, and harmony. Jeff speaks to organizations that seek to enhance their overall productivity by improving the effectiveness of their people.