Islam Never Sleeps
Well, guess what? Islam's back in the news. You remember Islam, right? You know, "death to America", 9/11, and all that.
Well, guess what? Islam’s back in the news. You remember Islam, right? You know, “death to America”, 9/11, and all that. While we were (probably by design) distracted with pronouns, bathrooms, masks/vaccines, Taylor Swift, what-used-to-be-a-border, “green energy”, woke everything, etc., etc…..Islam by way of Gaza’s Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th. The current death toll seems to change daily, but at least 1400 Israelis have been killed, with possibly as many as 4000+ terrorists and Gaza civilian casualties. At this point, no one really knows what the next move by either side will be. Lots of speculation, but nothing factual just yet.
Before going any further, let’s look a little deeper into the distraction factor. We can mostly thank our tits-on-a-bull useless news media for never providing a dull moment from distraction. Good examples are:
On October 5th, Hillary Clinton slithered back on the scene with an interview on CNN with Christiane Amanpour. One of the highlights was her actually calling for the deprogramming of “MAGA cult members.”
The House Republicans, after only four votes, and a lot of closed-door meetings, finally elected a Speaker: Rep. Mike Johnson from Louisiana. Of course, the liberal media (sorry for the redundancy…) loved to point out the disorganized circus the process turned into. Even die-hard conservatives are beginning to wonder about some of the Republicans, and they should.
Latest FBI statistics show murders down, but property crimes such as carjacking and outright looting are up. This does draw focus away from groups like BLM and Antifa, unless you live in places like Portland, OR, or Seattle, WA. Hard not to focus on them if you’re there.
While there are a lot more examples we could discuss, this does set up my next point. All the members of both BLM and Antifa are the “useful idiots” of our time. They’re all street thugs, similar to Hitler’s SA “brown shirts” during the late 1920s and early 1930s Germany. Useful until they became a political liability for those they put in power. (For great examples of what does happen to such people, I recommend the book “KL A History Of The Nazi Concentration Camps”, and anything by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.)
All of this is part of our being distracted from the true evil in the world. And Christians, for all of our so-called awareness of God’s plan, are some of the most historically illiterate and emotionally naive people when it comes to facing and dealing with evil, both at home and abroad.
I have been personally condemned online (…well, FB…) for pointing out some of what I’ve just mentioned. Apparently, some “community standards” got offended when the words Islam, evil, and Nazi appear in the same discussion.
Let’s go back and look at why being distracted from Islam is dangerous.
Al-taqiya is an Arabic word used by most devote Muslims meaning “concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, opinions, and/or strategies in a time of danger, whether now or later in order to save oneself.” Basically, it means deception. So, here’s a major “religion” that promotes lying.
I’ve written before about the danger of ignoring Islam in the July 22, 2016 column “In The Face Of Radical Islam“, and later that year on Dec. 31, in “Islam Invasion: The New ‘Black Death’ Of The 21st Century“.
There are 109 verses in the Quran telling Muslims to kill non-Muslims. They use the phrase “smite him on the neck” a lot, which is where they get the beheading fetish from.
Perhaps the most shocking verse is this:
“Judgement Day will not come until the Moslems fight the Jews. The Jews will hide behind the stones and the tress, and the stones and trees will say, Oh Moslem…there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.” (from Sahih al-Bukhari 4.52.167 and 4.56.791) There are several versions of this hadith (a saying attributed to Mohammad), all with slightly different wording, but all calling for the killing of Jews. In the Quran itself, 5:64 and 9:30, killing Jews and Christians is specifically mentioned.
In conclusion…
While I don’t feel Armageddon is going to happen right away, I do feel that the world in general, and Israel in particular, is entering a very dangerous period of time. Battle lines are definitely being drawn and not just in the physical, military sense. The ability to recognize evil and call it out, in all its forms, will be crucial. Sadly, more and more people seem unable, even unwilling, to do so, and a lot of those folks are in the church.
My wife was watching a documentary of some kind that showed a scene from the Grand Mosque in Mecca. The 40-foot black structure in the middle is called the Kaaba. Devote Muslims circle this seven times during the month of pilgrimage or the Hajj. They also kiss or touch the Black Stone that is part of the structure.
What my wife pointed out was that the Kaaba sort of resembles Borg Cube from Star Trek. As in “….you will be assimilated.”
As always, thanks for your indulgence.