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Jihadi Ran Rampant, Shooting Strangers In Brussels For Hours Before Cops Finally Killed Him

Wearing a bright orange vest while carrying a gun in the city and authorities had trouble finding him?

Surely it’s a coincidence that this jihadi rampage in Europe follows hard on the heels of a call by Hamas leaders to take the slaughter of strangers global.

Just like it’s surely a coincidence that he was a rejected asylum seeker from Tunisia who was ‘known to police’ as having been radicalized, and yet was never deported.

And now, two Swedish nationals were shot dead.

A gunman who killed two Swedish football fans in a terror attack in Brussels has been shot dead after 12 hours on the run, Belgium’s interior ministry said on Tuesday.

He was shot in the chest during a stop-and-search in a cafe as authorities searched Belgium’s capital.

Annelies Verlinden, the interior minister, said the terrorist died on the way to hospital in an ambulance. She said authorities were working to formally identify him through fingerprints.

Belgian police found the automatic rifle used in the attack on the suspect, she added.

The identity of the man who was shot dead has not been released, but local media reports suggested it was the gunman.

The gunman was named on Monday night as Abdesalem Lassoued, 45, from Tunisia, a failed asylum seeker who had been living illegally in the Schaerbeek area of the Belgian capital.

He allegedly shot three people, killing two of them and leaving the third with serious injuries, to “avenge Muslims” in an attack the gunman said was linked to the Islamic State terror group. — Telegraph

Fans were trapped at the football match.

Bystanders with cameras were able to capture some harrowing footage at different points in his rampage.

Lionhearted: Making Young Christian Males Rowdy Biblical Men

Dear young Christian male, this book you’re about to read is meant to challenge you to your very core. Its intent is not to make you feel warm and fuzzy. Some of the chapters will upset you greatly, especially if you’re a dandy who was raised with kid gloves by a helicopter mommy.

That said, in addition to the holy introspection contained herein, this book will also shoot adrenaline into your soul. It’ll push you to be a Godly risk taker and earth shaker. A veritable Rebel With A Cause just like the Captain of Our Salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you want a feel-good book that tickles your ears and morphs you into a little Christian popinjay, this tome ain’t for you. You should put this book down and walk away from it immediately. However, if, young man, if … your motto is to give God your utmost for His highest, and you wanna live a life worthy of Christ’s death, then this book will be grist for your mill.

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